View Full Version : MAFMC Votes to Prohibit Pots on our Reefs!

Angler Paul
12-12-2016, 11:39 PM
MAFMC Votes To Prohibit Pots on our Reefs!
At the MAFMC meeting on 12/12, the council voted to approve SMZ status for our reefs. This was a crucial step in the process to have the pots removed from our reefs in federal waters. Numerous JCAA and NJOA representatives as well as reps from their affiliated clubs were in attendance. Kudos to the NJOA for all the work they did on this. Below is the NJOA press release. The next step will be that the recommendation of the MAMFC will go to NMFS for final approval. If all goes well, pots might be prohibited from the reefs by some time in 2018.
Paul Haertel, JCAA board member

Just hours ago at the Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council Meeting in Baltimore a vote was held ending 10 years of conflict to set Special Management Zone Status for all 13 Artificial Reefs off of New Jersey. A compromise vote was barely defeated by a vote of 10-9 before the final vote of 11-7 passed the proposed legislation.

The NJOA applauds Tom Baum and New Jersey representative Adam Nowalski for being strong, vocal proponents of SMZ status at the meeting.

Said NJOA Chair Capt. Pete Grimbilis, " A light is shining down on recreational hook and line and spear fishermen tonight, but much work still needs to be done to ensure that National Marine Fisheries sees that this important vote becomes law."

Thank you for all your letters, phone calls and hard work in the weeks leading up to this historic vote, NJOA thanks you all immensely.

Trustees of the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance