12-12-2016, 07:46 AM
Half the fun is the anticipation. Sunday was one of those days that get burnt in your memory. I got the call from the marina early last week that the window at the counter was going to pull the blinds and put the "closed for the season" sign out. I scrambled to put a crew together, picked up the last batch of whities and headed to the dock early Wednesday morning to shove off with Don and Skunk. We got turned around at the tip of the hook with just one evil heaving and violent sea thinking that might be our last attempt and would be putting the Z'O under wraps.
Weather gods had a different plan and actually cooperated. We regrouped and scheduled the finale with Don, Kooz, Tbone, and Skunk. Skunk didn't make this one and apologies have been made (another story). So, we head out in flat calm seas doing the night march hanging the wake of the Tagged Fish till we clear open water in SHB. Goto waypoint is locked in with Black 39 tracking true. Don and I have hit this area several times with good success but conditions need to be in our favor otherwise we're sliding off the pin. We get our piece, line is tight and instant bites. Don first, me next with both shorts and then Kooz grabs a skate. We believe a good day is in order, yet wonder if the quick bite curse is cast. Friggin dried up instantly:mad: Tried building the life and it just wasn't going to be. Changed gears and moved a mile in with the same results. Tbone puts his first in the tub, Don does the same, Kooz makes a contribution too. It was going to be one of those grind it out pick days for sure. We put in the time, 10:45 - 11:00 is rolling around and we have squat like losing trifecta tickets littered at the betting window floor. WTF. I'm getting anxious and pissed. "Guys, let's make one more move." We couldn't finish the season with 3 fish in the box.
Lines are hauled and we make another mile or so move that has collected, let's say, some major hardware (haha) from the Z'O. I'm willing to sacrifice some more to salvage this trip! We come tight and there's a couple other brave souls in the vicinity. We get bites immediately around the boat with routine rhythm but with more frequency on the port. Wind shifts SSW and the starboard gets the advantage. Tbone makes adjustments on his tackle. Sliding belmar in order and he puts a couple more in the penalty box. Kooz makes a delivery or two and Don and I with similar results or shorts.
Time check is called out and we're into 1:15 and I've got a commitment for my local rescue squad that can't be missed. An audible... "we're done at 1:45" Kooz is hovering over the whites makes a snip like he's doing Japanese Origami and says "here try this one, this shit is gunna work" I've got Black tooth (a rod that Don tied up and gave to me as a gift) in hand and send this perfect crustacean to the bottom and wait.... wait... BAMMM. I'm doubled like I took a shot from Colin Mcgregor. A couple of quick cranks, then stop. A decision is made... another run... stop. And it repeats the same antics. Don repeating my call to him several weeks ago "you need a net?" I turn over my shoulder and give him the look and he springs into action. One nice tog is lifted onto the Z'O and there's a party starting to happen.
We still have a clock ticking over our head. Everyone is amped. Lines back in the water. I can hear and see the movement of minute hands sweeping through my mind. 5 minutes have expired and celebratory beer is in order but we are too busy trying to salvage the day. That nervous twitch of someone else rod tip caught my attention out of the corner of my eye... suddenly, Don is almost decked. I keep thinking "Down goes Frazier, down goes Frazier". Another crippling blow. This is crazy, we're all questioning what gives here. This pig is running from the slaughter house. Have never seen a fish take this much line on a run. Yeah I get it, they run, but man. Don works his magic, controls the battle, enjoys the moment. Fish surfaces near the boat and we all break out in a fit of laughter.... This is a slob fish... Kooz takes honor in netting her. She makes a trip to the doctors scale. Dr Boga says its' a healthy female at 15 lbs. A slap on the ass and she's set free to swim another day.
Wow!!! The second 15 lber in 3 weeks.... An unbelievable accomplishment and a fitting way to put the wrap around Z'O. Congratulations Don and to all of those that fished with me it has been a helluva year.
Weather gods had a different plan and actually cooperated. We regrouped and scheduled the finale with Don, Kooz, Tbone, and Skunk. Skunk didn't make this one and apologies have been made (another story). So, we head out in flat calm seas doing the night march hanging the wake of the Tagged Fish till we clear open water in SHB. Goto waypoint is locked in with Black 39 tracking true. Don and I have hit this area several times with good success but conditions need to be in our favor otherwise we're sliding off the pin. We get our piece, line is tight and instant bites. Don first, me next with both shorts and then Kooz grabs a skate. We believe a good day is in order, yet wonder if the quick bite curse is cast. Friggin dried up instantly:mad: Tried building the life and it just wasn't going to be. Changed gears and moved a mile in with the same results. Tbone puts his first in the tub, Don does the same, Kooz makes a contribution too. It was going to be one of those grind it out pick days for sure. We put in the time, 10:45 - 11:00 is rolling around and we have squat like losing trifecta tickets littered at the betting window floor. WTF. I'm getting anxious and pissed. "Guys, let's make one more move." We couldn't finish the season with 3 fish in the box.
Lines are hauled and we make another mile or so move that has collected, let's say, some major hardware (haha) from the Z'O. I'm willing to sacrifice some more to salvage this trip! We come tight and there's a couple other brave souls in the vicinity. We get bites immediately around the boat with routine rhythm but with more frequency on the port. Wind shifts SSW and the starboard gets the advantage. Tbone makes adjustments on his tackle. Sliding belmar in order and he puts a couple more in the penalty box. Kooz makes a delivery or two and Don and I with similar results or shorts.
Time check is called out and we're into 1:15 and I've got a commitment for my local rescue squad that can't be missed. An audible... "we're done at 1:45" Kooz is hovering over the whites makes a snip like he's doing Japanese Origami and says "here try this one, this shit is gunna work" I've got Black tooth (a rod that Don tied up and gave to me as a gift) in hand and send this perfect crustacean to the bottom and wait.... wait... BAMMM. I'm doubled like I took a shot from Colin Mcgregor. A couple of quick cranks, then stop. A decision is made... another run... stop. And it repeats the same antics. Don repeating my call to him several weeks ago "you need a net?" I turn over my shoulder and give him the look and he springs into action. One nice tog is lifted onto the Z'O and there's a party starting to happen.
We still have a clock ticking over our head. Everyone is amped. Lines back in the water. I can hear and see the movement of minute hands sweeping through my mind. 5 minutes have expired and celebratory beer is in order but we are too busy trying to salvage the day. That nervous twitch of someone else rod tip caught my attention out of the corner of my eye... suddenly, Don is almost decked. I keep thinking "Down goes Frazier, down goes Frazier". Another crippling blow. This is crazy, we're all questioning what gives here. This pig is running from the slaughter house. Have never seen a fish take this much line on a run. Yeah I get it, they run, but man. Don works his magic, controls the battle, enjoys the moment. Fish surfaces near the boat and we all break out in a fit of laughter.... This is a slob fish... Kooz takes honor in netting her. She makes a trip to the doctors scale. Dr Boga says its' a healthy female at 15 lbs. A slap on the ass and she's set free to swim another day.
Wow!!! The second 15 lber in 3 weeks.... An unbelievable accomplishment and a fitting way to put the wrap around Z'O. Congratulations Don and to all of those that fished with me it has been a helluva year.