View Full Version : The "Best of 2016" thread
Skunk City
12-08-2016, 11:36 AM
Well, 2016 is quickly winding down and with it, another year of fishing on in the books. As usual, post up your "best" or "most memorable" catches of the year. Hopefully Andy can sticky this for a bit..
My 2016 in a nutshell:
-Opened 2016 on January 2nd with a Big D Walleye from the yak
-Some GREAT ice fishing with all species coming through the ice including three 35"+ Pike during the coldest week of the year
-Early season kayak 'Eyes on empty lakes followed by herring spawn zombie nights
-HOT week in July of Hybrids, Walleye, Rainbows, Pike and Panfish
-Late start to the fall bite, but it ain't over yet! ( ( ( (
Mikey topaz
12-08-2016, 01:38 PM ( ( (
12-08-2016, 04:25 PM
Nice fellas! Very nice!
12-08-2016, 08:17 PM
I'm not one for saving my photos, so I went back and looked for some. Found a few not many. Did help Rutgers PIT tagging American Shad this year on the Raritan river. Boat NEVER moved this year !! But the canoe was used quite often :D
12-08-2016, 09:19 PM
What got caught in 2016:
-Started out in spring with a PB bluefish at 13lbs and 36".
-Following that one up with a PB smallmouth bass at 2+lbs 17"+ also early spring.
-Summer was filled with fluke like the one pictured, largemouth and smallmouth bass, and various other miscellaneous fish.
-Highlight of the summer was the 25.5lb 39" Flathead catfish from the Delaware River. Highlight of the year even!
-Then fall brought a handful of cool fish including some brown trout, big fallfish, Blackfish, and finally wrapping things up with some of my first walleye including the 24" one in picture.
It has been an even better year than the last!
12-08-2016, 10:03 PM
Full stringer on opening day(nomehegan/Rahway),a real bass from monksville!, chunky wild brown(peq.)
One of ten brownies from my best wild trout day(peq)-dinner!(wanaque)-monksville double header- went out each cast was a fish. Some pigs and slime dart from my "secret spot"/hometurf - a random fall rainbow(ramapo)and some fish spooge.
Been a great year for me- nothing crazy flashy- just fun.cant wait to see everybody next Thursday
12-08-2016, 10:11 PM
1st tiger, mega walleye--had like 5 or 6 over 27" this yr including a pb, pb hybrid at 25", couple 21" smallies... my daughters 1st yellow perch--14 incher!
There was a LOT more but these are sufficient... helluva year without a doubt.
12-08-2016, 11:28 PM
This is prob my favorite shot of the daughter Saylor's first fishing excursion... crazy how fast they grow!
12-09-2016, 12:34 AM
Some big ass fish caught! Glad to have been present for a few of them! No idea how to make a collage out of them but I'll slather a bunch of photos up here after this weekend. First weekend I won't be able to fish in a long long time, kind of making me feel sick to my stomach!
12-09-2016, 12:58 AM
Some big ass fish caught! Glad to have been present for a few of them! No idea how to make a collage out of them but I'll slather a bunch of photos up here after this weekend. First weekend I won't be able to fish in a long long time, kind of making me feel sick to my stomach!
If anyone wants a simple collage of pics like in the OP just send me a pm. You'd have to send me the pics in an email I guess.
I'd make one myself but a dink bass, bluegill, and 1 sea robin aren't pic worthy.
12-09-2016, 10:11 AM
Some big ass fish caught! Glad to have been present for a few of them! No idea how to make a collage out of them but I'll slather a bunch of photos up here after this weekend. First weekend I won't be able to fish in a long long time, kind of making me feel sick to my stomach!
Download one of the many free collage apps if you have a smart phone. They're all pretty straight forward.
12-09-2016, 10:39 AM
Flip phone
12-09-2016, 11:08 AM
Yikes lol
Skunk City
12-09-2016, 11:22 AM
PhotoGrid is a good, free collage maker for Android, not sure if its available for IPhone as well.
12-09-2016, 12:16 PM
Awesome fish guys!!! Great work, everyone!
Full stringer on opening day(nomehegan/Rahway),a real bass from monksville!, chunky wild brown(peq.)
One of ten brownies from my best wild trout day(peq)-dinner!(wanaque)-monksville double header- went out each cast was a fish. Some pigs and slime dart from my "secret spot"/hometurf - a random fall rainbow(ramapo)and some fish spooge.
Been a great year for me- nothing crazy flashy- just fun.cant wait to see everybody next Thursday
whats with the brazzers logo lmfao
my most memorable are not always my best. getting out with my oldest doing all kinds of crazy stuff was the highlight of my year. he rarely ever says yes when I ask if he wants to go fishing, but when I ask if he wants to go look for crawdads, worms, eels hes all in!
12-09-2016, 02:00 PM
whats with the brazzers logo lmfao
Look behind it. The fish was full of semen. Got semen on both our waders, my car, the ground the water. He was primed. Hence brazzers lol
And memorable best. Whatever- it's what matters to u
12-09-2016, 02:39 PM
Awesome pics so far, killer year for a lot of guys. Here's a few of mine, gona try to go in chronological order..
steelies in oswego in january ( (
followed by lakers on ice ( ( (
then on to stripers in the spring ( ( (
12-09-2016, 02:40 PM
and then a mix bag summer ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
and some upstate fish for the fall ( (
12-09-2016, 02:43 PM (
12-09-2016, 04:52 PM
Slower than average year for me but definitely had fun. It's more about the experience and fishing with friends than the actual catch. Anyways here is a few, starting with some hard water eyeballs after a certain someone made a bet it would not be possible last ice season ( (
Short ice season which was successful but not picture worthy.
Believe it was March hit big water with chrisper for some laker jigging. (
Then had to wait for some warmer weather. Took the bow out and filled the cooler with tasty snakehead fillets (
Next headed down to Alabama for national bowfishing tournament. Fished alabama tennesee and kentucky. Poor water conditions plus heavy boat traffic made for tough shooting but we managed to shoot, common carp, grass carp, bighead carp, Silver carp, spotted gar, longnose gar, buffalo, blue cats, channel cats, flathead cats, bullhead, suckers, gizzard shad, bowfin, freshwater drum. Didn't bring any money home but we did well. Next up was bowfishing tournament in maryland. Might have been the toughest conditions I've ever shot In with chocolate water and 30 mph wind. Once again we did well but finished just outide the money. 5th out if 25 teams. Buddy shot nice blue cat plus we managed some gar and small carp. (
June hit some local water and managed to put some good night's together including this slob common (
To be continued
12-09-2016, 05:12 PM
Next up hosted a few out of state guys from maine, Illinois ans Missouri. We shot a stingray tournament on the Chesapeake. Guys had a blast and finally a trip with good conditions with the same results, finishing just out of the money. Tough shooting against local teams but this was more about showing some good guys a good time which was a success ( ( ( (
12-09-2016, 05:12 PM
Next up got the invite to head south to Florida with a friend and do some filming in the keys. Awesome trip bit if you notice a pattern once again horrible conditions. Wind blew the whole time down there making bowfishing tough and even rod and reel action not typical for the keys. Still managed to shoot two works records and check off some bucket list. Shot baracuda, southern stingrays, mangrove snapper. ( ( (
Had to drop my buddy off in Fort Lauderdale airport so took the day to check off a few more bucket list species off. Walked the canals and shot bullseye snakehead, talpia, mayan chichlid, and pleco catfish. ( ( ( (
Then took break more local trips with some newbies. Lots of fun but nothing picture worthy
Did manage to get chrisper on his first delaware river flathead and managed a decent one myself (
Last of all was last week's laker trip (
12-09-2016, 05:23 PM
HOLY SMOKES....... There are some beautiful fish in those pics, and huge!!! Congrats everyone on their catches, good stuff.
Lard Almighty
12-09-2016, 07:56 PM
Awfully early for this thread to go up, isn't it? We still have over half of December left!
This year was a banner one for bass, both bucketmouth and bronze variety, including my PB Jersey hawg from an extremely public park pond. My brother and I discovered the absolutely STUPID smallmouth fishing on the Susquehanna, where he landed his PB bronzeback. Had a couple of great floats down the Delaware, which included my PB fallfish, and my first ever rainbow trout on the fly.
You know I'm more about videos, but here is some photographic evidence of my fantastic 2016:
12-10-2016, 06:15 PM
outstanding collection of photos you guys and gals did well.if jd tuna puts up a college of his photos the site might have a problem handling that. that guy kicked some serious butt this year.congrats to all and god bless:)
12-11-2016, 08:36 PM
No collage, just going to have to stack the pics! Was a great year for sure!
Fresh and salt; salt wasn't great for numbers for us this year (compared to other years) but had some very nice fish including PBs of tog and seabass and plenty of keeper sized fish. A bunch of PBs freshwater too and some first time species catches. 13 PBs total i think and 22 'sa' size larger fish (a few of them panfish but still counts haha)
Started out last january with ice season...JDtuna doesn't catch enough open water fish :rolleyes::rolleyes: haha yeah right! so i introduced him to ice fishing for his first ice season and we had a short yet productive hard water season including great trips with Jigman and Getanet! JDtuna and I had plenty of other fishing escapades both in the tin can and on his family's boat, all great memories! Had some adventures with Delewareriver as well including some night ice, laker jigging, and flatheads. some walleye and hybrid trips with captain njsquatch putting us on some nice fish. skunkcity banging one of his biggest eyes in the tin can. Just awesome fishing with everyone including my friends that aren't njf members as well! looking forward to many more! ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
12-11-2016, 08:43 PM ( ( ( in.jpg ( in.jpg.html) ( ( ( ( %2011-13-16.jpg ( %2011-13-16.jpg.html) ( ml)
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ok i'm done, i think...
12-12-2016, 10:44 AM
2016 was a pretty good fishing year for me. I was lucky to have the opportunity to fish often with great friends, which is what it's all about. Caught several new species (alligator gar, sturgeon, flathead cats, Tiger trout) and a few personal bests (hybrid, walleye, stream brown trout, brown trout in general, carp, landlocked salmon). In total, I caught about 53 different fresh and saltwater species on rod and reel in 2016. Here is my year in review:
Started out the year jigging walleyes and carp as bycatch from the legendary tin can with Chrisper. I had never ice fished before, and once there was safe ice Chrisper taught me how to successfully ice fish. Though the season was short, I managed northern pike, pickerel, muskie and various panfish.
As the season progressed, Chrisper and I continued the assault on NJ'S freshwater critters, both from land and from the fish catching machine known as the tin can. Trips were interspersed with pike and trout fishing, and walleye and hybrids at night. I took a c couple of out of state trips for alligator gar and sturgeon, and crossed those off the bucket list. Summer was dedicated to spending a lot of time targeting flatheads, with pretty good success. Fall meant pike, muskie, hybrids and a bunch of nice brown trout along with snakeheads and peacock bass in Florida. Ended the season with a successful fly trip for steelhead and browns.
Saltwater started out with big stripers,* followed by my first time targeting threshers, which was a success. I had a handful of Canyon trips, catching yellowfin, mahi, sharks and bigeye tuna. Took a trip down to South Florida and got sails, mahi, kings, cobia, barracuda, blackfin tuna and a bunch of skippies and false albacore. Ended the season with stripers and tog.
Here are some pics.
12-12-2016, 10:47 AM
Justin, where's the big fish? Lol... Jk man. Helluva year for sure. Good stuff dude!
12-12-2016, 11:44 AM
My biggest fish aren't as big as the others in this thread, but what constitutes a 'trophy' is relative to what you normally catch.
Pic 1: I was fishing shallow for panfish on a cold spring afternoon when this twenty-two inch Hybrid Striped Bass decided to give my light panfish gear a workout. I popped the hook and released this brute. (That's mud on his side, not blood)
Pic 2: I caught this 19-inch Smallmouth Bass on a drizzly summer afternoon. If memory serves me correctly, this is my personal-best Smallmouth.
After a few quick pics, she was released back in the water as are ALL bass I catch to grow bigger, make lots of babies, and make other anglers happy.
12-12-2016, 01:02 PM
man i love the pics, all of them! if you like looking at pics of big fish especially from NJ get your own pics up here! it's only fair!
The Birdman
12-12-2016, 03:02 PM
It's not over yet ! This is when the big girls come out to play.
hopefully can squeeze a couple more trips this year depending on the freeze.
This was us on Saturday, and some better ones from this year...still hunting for the 50+ ( (
12-12-2016, 07:45 PM
There will be plenty of open water into january, you're right! Looks like you've become a full blown musky hunter! I'll always be a multi species guy personally, but when you devote that much time on one species that NJ 50 is out there waiting for you for sure!!
12-12-2016, 09:00 PM
Great fish everybody! From the smallest sunfish to the biggest sharks and sturgeon - all are amazing to see!
Esox Luciano
12-12-2016, 09:41 PM
when you devote that much time on one species that NJ 50 is out there waiting for you for sure!!
I definitely agree with that. Depending how hungry you are for that one beast, you can definitely better your chances and change your odds by devotion and dedication. I like your 1st pic're doing just that. I found my rivermonster, hope you find your freak as well.;)
Stellar looking pics fellaz, from Skunk on down!!! Can't say which catch of yours I like the best, but the one with Cris holding the blackfish & getting photobombed by that little girl is great!😂😂 Besides JD getting his Jeremy Wade on across the map, all these posts are great proof of how great this armpit is!!
As for myself, I didn't touch down on any ice last season so I stuck it out on the river with some carping & clean-ups. Had a hand in starting to stop the accidental further dumping into the Passaic River, preventing hundreds of thousands of gallons of sewage from mixing with our waters. Also helped a touch with the Dundee Island Preserve clean-up which was loooong overdue and much more pleasant to the eye now.👍🚯♻ As always good times all year and coincidentally my larger fish of the season were all caught on a wooden lure I crafted myself. My biggest pike was a 35" 13lber and as far as length I also bagged a 37" 8lber. Had a great year of teaching & sharing our craft too so that was pretty fun as well. Hope this upcoming year is even better!! Jersey!!!
Skunk City
12-13-2016, 11:45 AM
EPIC pics guys, wow!
12-13-2016, 01:56 PM
2016 was the year of squeezing short trips into the everyday grind. Was a tough year to put in many full days but managed a few good fish.
Had a few firsts like Kings, LL's, and iced pike and probably my PB yellow.
Couldn't feed the walleye jones as much as last year but had the opportunity to fish Otsego in NY for a few full moon eyes. Of course our NJ waters didn't disappoint either when i could get out.
And some fun inshore action with the usual NJ coastal suspects and a PB fluke at 8.5lbs
12-13-2016, 07:13 PM
i dig that pic of Scowardnj with that softball sized puffer fish in his hand. those fish are cool.again great job everybody.
12-13-2016, 07:21 PM
Year in and year out this is one of the threads I look forward to every year! Friggin EPIC AWESOMENESS!!! Kudos to all NJ anglers that are out there year round doing what they do best!!! "CATCH MONSTERS" And "VARIETY!!!" I absolutely love all the pics!!! Way to go fellas! We should have an NJF magazine or yearly fishing calendar........YEP, YEP!!!:D
12-14-2016, 11:17 AM
Way to go, everyone! Amazing catches all around. Great to see the fishing opportunities in the Garden State!
12-14-2016, 03:58 PM
Amazing Posts! Say what you will about Dirty Jerzy but we do have a great diversity of fishing opportunities. Kudos to NJFGW!
2016 was all about being dedicated and getting out there. My first open water trip was on February 27th and I just wrapped the boat on December 10th. I started a fishing log this year and have 85 entries. That is about 1 fishing trip every 3 days. I know it isn’t in the same league as some of you maniacs but I feel it was a good effort.
The spring was amazing with solid and consistent action on LH. Caught some decent large mouth, small mouth, my first Tiger Muskie, PB Crappie, PB Walleye, and PB Pickerel.
Did my annual 2 week vacation to Lake George in July. The weather was beautiful and was able to get out every day. Caught tons of small mouth on the deep water structure and large mouth along the shoreline structure but nothing trophy size. At the end of the last day I was blessed to catch my PB Lake George Large Mouth at 5lbs on the nose. This is a real trophy for this lake with such a short growing season.
Back in NJ, summer was about checking out new bodies of water since the big lake gets out of hand with pleasure boaters. Caught some nice large mouth including my PB Hopatcong LMB at 4.25lbs.
Fall is my favorite time of the year to fish. Less boat traffic and generally pleasant weather. Had a fantastic hybrid trip with Chrisper and JDTuna with the boat catching 33 fish to 24”. Got out on the infamous tin can and trolled up some well feed large mouth. I even got out on the salt water for my first striper trip. We had an EPIC day in the Raritan Bay with non-stop action. I lost count but caught around 40 fish to 36” and had 5 in row (#6 came unpinned). The 3-man boat had to have close to 100 fish. Finished the season hiding from the relentless November wind and managed a few small mouth and walleyes.
Looking forward to some serious ice fishing to start 2017 and scratch a few more species off my list. See you guys out there!
12-15-2016, 10:21 AM
12-15-2016, 12:07 PM
Another year almost over. What can I say I do have a lot to be thankful for this year but since I went through 3 phones not that many pictures remain.
Year was full of firsts so lets have them listed:
First keeper striped bass of shore.
First bluefish of shore
First keeper summer fluke of shore
First keeper blackfish of shore
First puffer of shore.
Amazing year on saltwater for me. Had a chance to witness and participate in bluefish feeding blitz frenzy. Absolutely unreal.
On another hand sweet water for me was not that kind but still had an amazing time being out and about.
Of course this year wont be complete without my annual list of places that have received donations of rod and reels.
And places are below:
1st donation was received by Budd Lake. Extra brownie points to whose who will manage to hook up with it this winter. Location: Weeds right to the right of castle.
2nd donation was received by Spruce Run. Extra brownie points as well. Location: About 200 yards from the swimming beach.
3rd donation was received by pond in East Brunswick Park. Forgot the name of it but it does hold a state record for white catfish. No ice fishing allowed there though. Location to the left of parking lot by Riva Rd.
Since year is not over yet looking toward adding some more personal best.
See you on ice you maniacs.
12-15-2016, 12:42 PM
time to ask santa for some rod leashes!
12-16-2016, 11:59 AM
This is prob my favorite shot of the daughter Saylor's first fishing excursion... crazy how fast they grow!
It just doesn't get better than this! I still remember my first clunky Zebco push button reel. Cherish every second, it's a whole new world when they hit their teens!
01-03-2017, 08:52 AM
Amazing !! Hope everyone does well in 2017 !!
01-03-2017, 10:18 AM
Great looking fish all!!! Here's to many bent rods and PBs in 2017!! Here's a few of my best of for 2016. Wasn't my best year but I did manage to knock a few new species off the list and caught a couple PBs. Hope to get out more this year and test some new waters....... ( ( ( ( ( (
01-03-2017, 10:41 AM
Couple more...... ( ( ( ( ( (
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