View Full Version : Boat recommendation

12-07-2016, 10:03 AM
Looking for a center console fishing boat that I can trailer to freshwater lakes as well as fish inshore saltwater. Been 25 years since I sold my Grady so I'm not sure what's good these days. Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

12-07-2016, 10:25 AM
I have a 24' Sea Pro CC for sale that might fit that use nicely

12-07-2016, 10:52 AM
I have a 24' Sea Pro CC for sale that might fit that use nicely

Thanks, sent you a DM.

BugEye Chris
12-07-2016, 06:14 PM
Good friend of mine has a 20 foot Grady center console with a 200 horse Suzuki on a brand new load rite trailer that will be up for sale in the spring send me a p m for some contact info

Fishin Polski
12-07-2016, 06:16 PM
I have an aluminum Starcraft mariner 210 with 90 hp evinrude and calkins full roller trailer. It needs work but if you're handy it might be something you want to look at. I'm open to all offers call or text 908-319-8120 Paul

12-07-2016, 08:44 PM
i have a 21' sea hunt cc that i trailer around. bought it a few years ago and am very satisfied with it.

12-08-2016, 07:59 AM
Good friend of mine has a 20 foot Grady center console with a 200 horse Suzuki on a brand new load rite trailer that will be up for sale in the spring send me a p m for some contact info

sent you a DM