View Full Version : Late Monger Tog report 12/4

12-06-2016, 07:16 PM
Wanted to really see what all the addiction talk is about with Tog fishing as my experience has only been bad, cold, colder ,freezing and maybe 1 fish at best. (Lab Limit). Did all the PUOSU trips and got on the board once. Cut the crab this way, use greens, use whites, legs on , legs off etc, Top $ Reel, Custom Rod all for one fish. Scratchy Bite WTF does that really mean, Statue stance all day staring at your line pretending to feel a twitch at your frozen fingers, yeah sure. F that too much work right?

So I annoyed the crap out of Joey Z to get me on a Monger Trip as that had to be my best option. Joey da fish being the man and friend that he is obliged and got my turn on Sunday, Hell he even brought a setup for me. Turns out he gave me the setup he should have used but that's a different story. :eek: Thanks Joe for all!

If you are going to find out if you really suck at a species than best to put all odds in your favor with a top sponsor boat. Been with Capt Jerry many times before but not for a TOG specific trip (not an easy booking or invite this time of year) . Granted there is also a RISK factor here because if you go on the Monger and cant produce than its over and you are resigned to sucking. Right Joey! Plus anyone who fishes with Capt Jerry knows you have a looong trip to get your shot!

Turns out my guess was right. Left the dock at 5:30 ish AM with what was obviously a serious all star cast. Joey, Sven of the hook, Ron Lefty Reeler (great fishing and seeing you again) and Skipper, Gilligan, Ginger , the Howells ,the professor and MaryAnn. (seriously didn't know the other 6 guys)

Off to the grounds in a stiff NW but ride was smooth and anticipation high. Got a quick tutorial from mates Mike and John at first light.

We developed a slow but steady pick , roasters, boxers and some quality but Capt jerry called it a grind and all I saw was totes filling up.

No one else was doing much so we made a few wiggles and stayed as we had life. Bite slowed to a pick so we moved a bit deeper which added a few more .
Grinded it out until mid afternoon and made a ride towards home but we all knew fishing was far from over.

Next stop took a little while then the shorts showed up and then another solid pick of keepers to end the day in the dark.

Long story but important for those of us that suck at Tog, fishermen just starting out or anyone wanting to get in on another great fishery here in NJ.

I ended the day with 5 solid Keepers a "Dales I am proud of ya " from Jerry on my best fish, 5 shorts, a number of Jmurr favorites and more important a new appreciation for Toggin. Nothing huge I grant you but happy to have felt the right bite even with all the swings and misses as well.

Goes without saying Capt Jerry, Mates John and Mike could not have been better. Ball Bustin high, Laughs more so, Music great until the Rap, Dark to dark trip as usual.
Thanks again Capt Crew and Joey Da FISH

12-06-2016, 07:33 PM
Way to stick with it and get em Dave!!

12-06-2016, 07:34 PM
Nice job Dales and Joey. CAptain Jerry can put Ginger and MaryAnn on Tog :eek:

12-06-2016, 08:03 PM
Great report.. Sounds like you could have not had a better day !!! I would have liked to fished with Maryann

12-06-2016, 08:28 PM
I agree, that was an excellent account of a Monger trip. Great read. I love that boat. Capt Jerry should do a fishing Reality Show. He'd have the cast of characters step up for sure.

Joey Dah Fish
12-06-2016, 09:01 PM
Great job by you Dales. You desreved a good trip. You manned the rail all day in a tough bite and made it happen. Good job brother!!! I stunk it up in the corner thank goodness you were far enough away . PS the magic rod and reel are for sale :D:D:D:D Oh how did I miss Ginger? I guess I gotta give it up because I stunk it up on the Fish Monger ������ Sorry Jerry!!!!

12-06-2016, 09:37 PM
Say it ain't so joey! I'm so disillusioned.:eek:

Hunter 2
12-07-2016, 09:35 AM
Nice report, I'm heading out on the Monger tomorrow.

12-07-2016, 12:24 PM
Joey, I just read what you posted. I guess I gotta give it up because I stunk it up on the Fish Monger ������ Sorry Jerry!!!! Do you really think you will get any sympathy from Jerry and from any of your togging buds because you had a tough day? lol C'ya Sunday! We Both then got something to prove! It's a fresh Start! Dennis

ALS Mako
12-07-2016, 12:32 PM
Way to go dave. Glad you had a good day. Dem buggers can get the better of you. Making you second guess yourself in everything you do. Congrats.

12-07-2016, 05:55 PM
Welcome to the club Dave. Hope you stick with it. It's my favorite part of the year.

Joey Dah Fish
12-07-2016, 07:45 PM
Joey, I just read what you posted. I guess I gotta give it up because I stunk it up on the Fish Monger ������ Sorry Jerry!!!! Do you really think you will get any sympathy from Jerry and from any of your togging buds because you had a tough day? lol C'ya Sunday! We Both then got something to prove! It's a fresh Start! Dennis

Lol FF I guess we gotta do it