View Full Version : Rock Bottom Tuesday blackfish

12-06-2016, 07:14 PM
Today we had out a few heavy hitters; Capt ed, Mari, Alex, Brian and rich. Original plan was to get some jumbo seabass and porgies but the weather didn't allow so we went black fishing. With it being jrs birthday today I made sure he fished most of the day and I kept an eye on the deck. Started where we ended Sunday and had a few fish early and then it died. Worked the piece some and made a move. Had some of the same with fish shortly after we stopped and then it would shut off and never turn back on. Bounced around a few more spots and then hit up a lucky one and had flurries of fish that would come and go. The bite eventually died and the crew headed in with just a few shy of their limit, which considering the day wasn't bad at all. Pretty rough all day. HH were Capt ed and Mari at 8 each, a lot of quality roasters once again but nothing huge. Capt ed also had a nice sized porgy, his favorite, and Brian had 2 real nice seabass and a HUGE sea robin, pretty surprising.

We have 3 spots open Saturday for blackfish, chartered Sunday. We also have sweatshirts available as well!

Man Workin
12-07-2016, 09:11 AM
Nice work, sounds like a good time. Looks like your operation really puts the time in to get it done.