View Full Version : Christmas is closing in!

Kevin Bogan
12-05-2016, 06:19 PM
:)Hey Skipper did my wife mention anything about getting me a new rod for Christmas?
:cool: She sure did. I told her you don't need one. To get you a new lawn mower!;)
:confused: Hey skip, I'll never get out fishing if she buys me tools!!!!
:cool: Yeah, it's about time you did some work around the house.
:o OH NO!!!! all the other guys are going to get new FISH POISON rods, and I'm being left out!!!
:cool: That's right, and don't forget the wives and girl friends. They have some great looking "Pink Power" rods that are guaranteed to catch the big ones!
:eek: Guaranteed to catch the BIG ONES????!!!!
:cool: That's right! They will catch so many fish they will go into SEA SHOCK!!!!!