View Full Version : Worst Mate Ever!! Captain ?
Jerzee John
11-29-2016, 08:45 PM
My son Chartered a Sponsor Boat out of PP for a group of my friends to celebrate my birthday. To say that I was appalled by what transpired is putting it mildly. I have chartered many of fishing trips from NJ to Florida and have never seen such a lack of customer service in all my 58 years. For starters we told him that out of the 13 guys only 5 of us had any experience black fishing the rest were complete novices. That being said I would have expected the mate to help these guys out as best as possible but that was not the case. We were left to have my son tie rigs for those who broke off with my rigs, unhook our fish, measure our fish, never helped these guys to get snags out and the final straw was after he filleted our fish he handed us bags and said here you go split them up. So you may ask what did he do all day He and the Capt FISHED for themselves all day. We boated 26 fish they had 14 of which they gave us 2 and kept the rest for themselves. In all my years I have never experienced anything like this. To add insult to injury we had bought a bushel of white leggers from the capt. They were the size of keeper blue claws only to find out later that the capt had smaller ones for his use and only offered them to us after we went threw our bushel for I think it was $15 a doz. At the end of the day I let the mate and capt know I was extremely unhappy and their answer was basically Kiss my A**
11-29-2016, 08:52 PM
You didn't even give a name so I'm left trying to figure out the point of this thread...
11-29-2016, 08:57 PM
My crystal ball is broken.
Give us a clue so we don't make that same mistake.
11-29-2016, 08:59 PM
This site turns into a melee when people name the boat. PM him if you want to know the name before it turns into a mess of a thead.
11-29-2016, 09:00 PM
With the kiss my ass at the end, you should post the name of the boat there are plenty of places to post it besides here.go for it.
11-29-2016, 09:02 PM
But why waste your time and money, plenty of great boats to go on, one comes to mind the lady m five star boat captian and crew, and they catch fish
Jerzee John
11-29-2016, 09:11 PM
I did not book the boat my son did. I would have much rather have fish with Jerry on the Monger but unfortunately he was booked. But I can tell you this much I will Book next years trip with Jerry tomorrow.
11-29-2016, 11:15 PM
Wow.. That sucks!
11-29-2016, 11:41 PM
Post some pics taken of the trip , no need to name the vessel.;)
Capt. Debbie
11-30-2016, 10:03 AM
Did you complain to the captain telling him how he and his crew sucked? You should.
If so what did they say?
My son Chartered a Sponsor Boat out of PP for a group of my friends to celebrate my birthday. To say that I was appalled by what transpired is putting it mildly. I have chartered many of fishing trips from NJ to Florida and have never seen such a lack of customer service in all my 58 years. For starters we told him that out of the 13 guys only 5 of us had any experience black fishing the rest were complete novices. That being said I would have expected the mate to help these guys out as best as possible but that was not the case. We were left to have my son tie rigs for those who broke off with my rigs, unhook our fish, measure our fish, never helped these guys to get snags out and the final straw was after he filleted our fish he handed us bags and said here you go split them up. So you may ask what did he do all day He and the Capt FISHED for themselves all day. We boated 26 fish they had 14 of which they gave us 2 and kept the rest for themselves. In all my years I have never experienced anything like this. To add insult to injury we had bought a bushel of white leggers from the capt. They were the size of keeper blue claws only to find out later that the capt had smaller ones for his use and only offered them to us after we went threw our bushel for I think it was $15 a doz. At the end of the day I let the mate and capt know I was extremely unhappy and their answer was basically Kiss my A**
11-30-2016, 10:18 AM
Did you complain to the captain telling him how he and his crew sucked? You should.
If so what did they say?
"At the end of the day I let the mate and capt know I was extremely unhappy and their answer was basically Kiss my A**"
11-30-2016, 10:30 AM
I dunno, never been a fan of mates fishing , especially on a charter,but hey, I could be wrong. they love to fish I realize that. Just doesn't look right sometimes, when a mate is fishing and the fares are tangled up, or waiting for help with writhing pout hanging off their hooks unattended.... bob
11-30-2016, 10:52 AM
That sounds like a terrible trip. You must have a lot of patience because I would have blown my stack as soon as the mate didn't attend to customers and not waited to the end to complain. The mate and captain would have known about it and I would have explained if they didn't do what they were supposed to I wouldn't pay them. You have rights as a consumer. Any good charter takes a small deposit then settles up with you at the end of the day. Did you pay in full ahead or at the end of the day? I'm also hoping you didn't tip the mate.
11-30-2016, 11:57 AM
There are a few boats like this out there...they just don't give a crap...they have enough returning customers that they don't need to make 'you' happy...pretty sad if you ask me.
These guys need to know that word is spreading of their unprofessional behavior and I'm glad you posted this, I'll be sending you a pm to get the name so I can spread the word to anyone that talks about going on a charter boat to me.
There are plenty of stand up captains and mates that could use our business so we need to start holding these 'other guys' accountable.
11-30-2016, 11:57 AM
I am curious also as to whether the mate had his hand out looking for a tip?
11-30-2016, 12:43 PM
Sent a PM , please send me the name of the boat
Blind Archer
11-30-2016, 12:54 PM
I was on a party boat years ago for tog. I was missing every bite. The mate, now the Captain of that boat, dropped on top of me and repeated" what theres no fish here" Quickly landed three fish while
Repeating the insult. Boxed up his fish and left as fast as he came. I spent the next two hours biteless. To this day if he' s the only boat sailing, I'll go home
11-30-2016, 01:28 PM
Thread is useless without the name of the boat posted
11-30-2016, 01:35 PM
WOW! It is hard to believe that in this day and age there is a charter boat out there with a Capt. and mate stupid enough to exhibit this type of behavior with total disregard for his paying clients. A Capt's job is to keep you safe and put you on the fish. A mates job is to help you "the client" catch the fish imo.
I wasn't there, but if it went down like you said it would be hard for me to bite my tongue and not let others know what charter boat it was.
Take a kid fishing
11-30-2016, 02:18 PM
Kiss my ass is fisherman speak for "Post my Name" so no one else makes that same mistake.
11-30-2016, 02:31 PM
You should have told the Captain and Mate that they were chipping in for the fare and your son was getting the tip
11-30-2016, 02:55 PM
not like there are alot of sponsor boats that can charter that big a party out of Point.
pretty easy to pick which boats it could have been
11-30-2016, 03:14 PM
I think I got it
11-30-2016, 03:14 PM
3 pages later and this thread is still USELESS. Either post the name so people are warned, and hopefully the captain SEES it, makes it right for you and does the right thing, or stop whining about your bad experience. Yelp works for a reason, people post the name of the establishment theyre reviewing.
11-30-2016, 03:54 PM
Guys...he can't post the name of the boat, we've gone through this plenty of times. This post is absolutely not useless. Like said pretty easy to figure out or send a pm. Probably worth posting elsewhere too. If it's a one time thing maybe some fear of loosing business will shape them up and if it's a repeat offense their business deserves to suffer.
So let's assume it was as bad as you said, why would you wait until the end of the trip to tell them off? Once you saw this going on and became frustrated, why wouldn't you just pull the captain aside and voice your displeasure about the mate and crabs? You likely would have changed things and saved your trip.
I'm asking because as others have said, it seems obvious who you were with and many of us here fish there regularly and consistently have good experiences. There may be another side to the story. Or maybe I'm misreading the clues and have not figured out the boat.....
11-30-2016, 08:52 PM
WOW... mate AND captain fishing. so they get a great day out fishing/catching/keeping and YOU are paying for it. that's shameful. i own a service business myself, and when you get hired by a customer, you SERVE their needs - not your own.
3 possible scenarios on a chartered trip, IMO...
#1- great service - let people know who it was!
#2- mediocre service - write it off and consider someone else next time.
#3- horrible service - let people know who it was!
i understand the conflict of interest in that the charter business a site sponsor, so perhaps the best responses to this post were by jerseyhunter and nolimit!
11-30-2016, 09:39 PM
Options here:
1. Name the sponsor boat = thread gets deleted ASAP
2. Don't name the boat = people guessing which boat and possibly wrong boat being blamed (especially since it's clearly not a 6 pack)
If there was any a case for a moderator to delete a thread I think we have one here. Nothing good can come out of this.
11-30-2016, 09:52 PM
As the true worst mate ever, I am offended.:D
11-30-2016, 10:06 PM
I used to fish a little when i mated. But as soon as there was an issue i put down my rod and took care of it. And any fish i got went to the customers unless they were at their limit.
12-01-2016, 12:13 AM
If this were my charter, plain and simple, I would have addressed the Captain and the mate would have got zero! Never heard of a mate fishing on a charter perhaps on a party boat! Might be 2 sides of this story but no mate will ever get a dime from me or my buddies when he fishes and has the gall to keep the fish he catches on my dime! Again, not sure of all the details!
12-01-2016, 09:25 AM
Capt. and mate should have given some help with blackfishing technique ,very rude to be mugging fish from paying customers, only leave a tip based on quality of service,No service equals no tip,.Maybe charter boats should post the type of service that will be given and the type of behavior that is expected of its charter clients.I had a few bad experiences and lots of great ones,I feel the web sites offer some level of accountability .The worst was when a NS boat captain told me "you are only paying for the boat ride back",and another after losing a rig the mate handed me a box of hooks and continued texting.
12-01-2016, 12:00 PM
if you want to know who it is pm the poster...he already told me who it is cause I wanted to know and I asked. I asked because I don't want to ever give them any business and so that I make sure my friends don't give them business either. pretty simple.
12-01-2016, 12:09 PM
i would not condemn any capt. or mate based on one bad post,if you are in the position to charter a boat maybe you should have a list of what you expect and the type of service you will require based on the ability of the charter guests.I think the charter organizer should be clear and precise as to what they are willing to pay for.Just saying for future charters
12-01-2016, 12:16 PM
if you want to know who it is pm the poster...he already told me who it is cause I wanted to know and I asked. I asked because I don't want to ever give them any business and so that I make sure my friends don't give them business either. pretty simple.
What did the captain say about the trip?
12-01-2016, 12:52 PM
Aside: sometimes when the mate and/or Capt fish... they help you-the charter fill your limits because it's slow, and/or not all can get the code right to be dialed in to catch the boat limit, if personally go home with MEAT than just go home saying I had bites but couldn't get them hooked, after 12 secured fillets for each fare, then I would say something... as for the bait, that's a whole other story, not sure what's that about... live and learn- tight lines forever!
12-01-2016, 01:19 PM
I know I am a new guy here as far as posts go, but like many, I've been lurking for a while.
This site is well run, respected within the fishing community, and a plethora of information. It has sponsors from marinas, 6 packs, party boats, tackle stores, the list goes on.
I get that having sponsors is necessary to the survival of the site. But I also don't get why there should be preferential treatment towards them, unless its an agreement between the sponsors and Gerry which does not tolerate naming a sponsor boat? I don't know...
There are always 2 sides of a story, and somewhere in between is the truth. We can all PM the OP and ask him for the name of the boat. I've fished with sponsor boats, and I've formed my opinions on whether I'd go with them again, despite what anyone else has to say about them.
So why can't this be handled in "manly" fashion? Call out the boat, captain, and mate, and let them tell their side of the story, and allow people to make their decisions from that?
When someone has a great trip and they post about it and give the name, that seems to be acceptable. But if someone had a bad trip with these guys? They not "allowed" to say something negative?
12-01-2016, 01:38 PM
The site has rules and there are enough websites - like Yelp out there that if the poster truly wanted to get the word out about poor service he would post it there.
2 sides to every story.
Gerry Zagorski
12-01-2016, 02:56 PM
I know I am a new guy here as far as posts go, but like many, I've been lurking for a while.
This site is well run, respected within the fishing community, and a plethora of information. It has sponsors from marinas, 6 packs, party boats, tackle stores, the list goes on.
I get that having sponsors is necessary to the survival of the site. But I also don't get why there should be preferential treatment towards them, unless its an agreement between the sponsors and Gerry which does not tolerate naming a sponsor boat? I don't know...
There are always 2 sides of a story, and somewhere in between is the truth. We can all PM the OP and ask him for the name of the boat. I've fished with sponsor boats, and I've formed my opinions on whether I'd go with them again, despite what anyone else has to say about them.
So why can't this be handled in "manly" fashion? Call out the boat, captain, and mate, and let them tell their side of the story, and allow people to make their decisions from that?
When someone has a great trip and they post about it and give the name, that seems to be acceptable. But if someone had a bad trip with these guys? They not "allowed" to say something negative?
Thanks for the compliment on the site Humanzee.
As you all might imagine, it's a very fine balance here between viewer and sponsor interests. Unlike sites like Trip Advisor or Yelp, I rely solely on sponsor dollars to support this site.
As far as handling things in a "manly" fashion, all that goes away when it comes to the internet and I'm guilty of it myself. You sometimes say things online you might otherwise not have said if you were standing in front of someone. The anonymity is another thing... People know who our sponsors are because when they post here their business name and website addresses are posted. Not true of all of us that contribute here. That's why one of my general rules is if you are going to call someone out here by name then you should publish your name too. That's only fair right?......
The other thing is I don't want these sorts of posts to dominate the site and act as a lighteng rod followed by a shit show with emotions and people taking sides and dividing us. That's why I take down the political posts... Great for traffic but not the sort of traffic I want this site to be noted for. I also don't want to be responsible for ruining someone's business (sponsor or otherwise) by allowing this sort of stuff on the site... If their normal way of doing business is as bad as one post seems to portray it, the word is going to get out and they won't be around for very long anyhow.
And yes, there are 2 sides to every story and for some of the reasons mentioned above, I'd rather not have them aired here.
You might not like it but I figured you'd at least appreciate and respect my perspective on these sorts of things.
Thanks guys.... Back to fishing and positive stuff...
12-01-2016, 03:01 PM
Well said, sir. I get it. And I agree.
See, I'm manly enough to admit when my perception is wrong. Then again, I'm divorced, so lotta good that did me! :)
Gerry Zagorski
12-01-2016, 03:08 PM
Well said, sir. I get it. And I agree.
See, I'm manly enough to admit when my perception is wrong. Then again, I'm divorced, so lotta good that did me! :)
Thanks for the understanding and the laugh Humanzee... There is no right or wrong here, it's all perspective and I'm glad you appreciate mine.
12-01-2016, 03:33 PM
Thank god the weather is getting better and we can get back to fishing!;)
12-01-2016, 05:01 PM
Probably 3 sides to a story lol
12-01-2016, 05:03 PM
Thank god the weather is getting better and we can get back to fishing!;)
Nailed it! Funny how these multi page back-and-forths come during bad weather... fish on, peeps.
12-01-2016, 05:23 PM
I pm john because I had a similar experience on a charter boat that was running a open boat trip and sure enough it was the same boat. As far as naming the boat that's a tuff one as it is a popular boat on this site
12-01-2016, 06:03 PM
That sounds like a terrible experience... What a shame for the 13 guys out of pp
Gerry Zagorski
12-01-2016, 06:53 PM
7282 views on this post and half that on the Fluke Regulations Action Needed post.... Is it just me or does this turn other people's stomachs??
Where has our moral compass gone?? Are we more interested in drama and controversy then we are in protecting our rights to fish??
This is very troubling to me :confused:
12-01-2016, 07:38 PM
7282 views on this post and half that on the Fluke Regulations Acting Needed post.... Is it just me or does this turn other people's stomachs??
Where has our moral compass gone?? Are we more interested in drama and controversy then we are in protecting our rights to fish??
This is very troubling to me :confused:
AGREED 100% Cap'n!!! I read every thread/post on this site although I don't post on everything! I read em all! Let's get real guys! Should've signed the petition by now if you have a passion and love for our fishery! I'd like to take my 6 year old son Fluking in the future! He loves boats and loves being out! Peoples lives depend on this fishery and others! It's a lifestyle and livelihood for many in our precious little state! Get it together fellas!!!
12-01-2016, 08:04 PM
7282 views on this post and half that on the Fluke Regulations Acting Needed post.... Is it just me or does this turn other people's stomachs??
Where has our moral compass gone?? Are we more interested in drama and controversy then we are in protecting our rights to fish??
This is very troubling to me :confused:
Yup! A day late. And the bitches bitch, when the daily limit disappears! So you get what you deserve. Yup Gerry, well said!
...too bad. Out of the half that veiwed, I wonder how many actually sent comment about the Fluke reg?
12-01-2016, 08:32 PM
the mind wonders and the good boats pay for it
12-01-2016, 08:59 PM
7282 views on this post and half that on the Fluke Regulations Acting Needed post.... Is it just me or does this turn other people's stomachs??
Where has our moral compass gone?? Are we more interested in drama and controversy then we are in protecting our rights to fish??
This is very troubling to me :confused:
I am a recreational fisherman and I attended both fisherman rallies down in D.C. and you are asking a question that will never get a good answer in my opinion. Apparently fisherman are great at complaining but when it comes time for us to stand together and have our voices heard and counted...most of them are too busy. Which is pretty sad and was obvious by the the attendance.
Back to the original poster...sorry for the hijack and again I feel your pain and if it went down as you posted you have every right to be pissed about it.
12-01-2016, 09:14 PM
I read and get all said about not naming the boat BUT, Many of us have to do as much scouting and homework as we can because we don't get to make many trips, and when we do, we have to make the most of them, our money, friends and family we bring with AND,
the major reason most come here is to see the reports, see what boats are catching, AND to hear how trips went on what boats. The good, the bad and as earned Yes, the ugly too. What is the point in having a reports website if a bad boat is protected? Who is the site for then? The angler, or the advertiser?
12-01-2016, 09:28 PM
I wasn't going to reply to this but since no one defended Capt's and mates I will. I have been on a lot of charters where the Capt. and mate have fished. I have fished on the Mimi VI where both Capt. Kenny and Chris / Brandon have fished never once was a fisherman ever waited. (unless Chris was making fun of me) they would fish and give the catch to the charter. Another example is the Roman Round, Capt Mugger and Andy fish, but no one waits for anything (unless they ae busting my fishing abilities). One of my real complaints is Fish Stix, Mate/Capt. Darren never misses a fishermans needs and dead sticks 12lb. that pisses me off. I could go on, Reel Class, Jersey Nutz, Russian Roulette.....a lot of Great Captains and mates that fish and provide exceptional service
12-01-2016, 10:42 PM
This is a painful thread to read, but the poster does have a voice that needs to be read. It's pretty simple math and some clicking on links to figure the supposed culprit. I have been fishing on NJ PB's since the 70's and OB Charters for the last 10 year's. There are some phenomenal PB & OB on this site and some not as desirable. Do your research, read reports, who goes out regardless of full boats and see which boats post old pictures of "Epic" day's. You will find your boat and get the great service you pay for.
Would The Star Ledger or Asbury Park Press ever throw one of their week ad sponsors under the bus / boat no, neither will Gerry.
Personally I had an OB cancel on me the day prior and then posted pic's of the great day they had when I went to work rather than fishing. Think I ever stepped foot on that OB or made a recommendations to fellow fisherperson's never.
Too bad Trump dont fish, we could get the quota's fixes in the first 100 days next year.
12-01-2016, 11:18 PM
Would The Star Ledger or Asbury Park Press ever throw one of their week ad sponsors under the bus / boat no, neither will Gerry
Just to provide clarity on your comparison, the ledger and does this ALL the time. They have an ethical and legal responsibility to report facts. Hospitals that spend tens or hundreds of thousands a yr to advertise with them are reported upon as they should be for safety and health violations. Restaurants who spend on media get bad reviews, too. You cannot compare nj's largest news media company to our lovely fishing forum.
Advertising and journalism are separated like church and state at the ledger and on it should with Gannett's media entities. Unlike media outlets, Gerry has the privatized right as a business owner to censor posts/posters especially if it impacts his ability to keep this bad boy up and running.
Good call Gerry. No need to negatively impact the incremental revenue needed to keep this humming. PM the guy if you wanna know the boat.
And did anyone look into my Facebook recommendation regarding the fluke reduction issue? I did an audience audit and a series of posts for like $200-300 could've reached over half a million people in nj!!!
12-02-2016, 07:56 AM
7282 views on this post and half that on the Fluke Regulations Action Needed post.... Is it just me or does this turn other people's stomachs??
Where has our moral compass gone?? Are we more interested in drama and controversy then we are in protecting our rights to fish??
This is very troubling to me :confused:
Not a fair comparison, I only needed to look at the Action post once and take action, there is no need for me to click to read the additional posts that say "done"
Drama posts, you never want to miss the good ones before they get deleted :D:eek: so you click and reclick
12-02-2016, 08:53 AM
Just to provide clarity on your comparison, the ledger and does this ALL the time. They have an ethical and legal responsibility to report facts. Hospitals that spend tens or hundreds of thousands a yr to advertise with them are reported upon as they should be for safety and health violations. Restaurants who spend on media get bad reviews, too. You cannot compare nj's largest news media company to our lovely fishing forum.
Advertising and journalism are separated like church and state at the ledger and on it should with Gannett's media entities. Unlike media outlets, Gerry has the privatized right as a business owner to censor posts/posters especially if it impacts his ability to keep this bad boy up and running.
Good call Gerry. No need to negatively impact the incremental revenue needed to keep this humming. PM the guy if you wanna know the boat.
And did anyone look into my Facebook recommendation regarding the fluke reduction issue? I did an audience audit and a series of posts for like $200-300 could've reached over half a million people in nj!!!
Yes, but as a trusted news outlet these two publications would never run an article without a reliable source and more knowledge the suspected villain boat. While the post here is member of our online community and entitled to his voice heard, without naming names little credibility from a pure journalist stand point.
12-02-2016, 09:16 AM
Jerzee John posts a report about a sponsor boat, Chrisper tells EVERYONE you can pm the OP for the name and the cry for someone to be tar and feathered continues. If the boats name was posted this thread would triple in size. Don't know about everyone else but that's not what attracts me to NJF and as Gerry said it's not why he created the site, Believe him when he says sponsors keep the site going and running a site like this while hopefully being a financial benefit to him for his efforts is a thankless tiring task. One we should not forget is for our benefits. We all know there's sites out there that are absolute trash, NJF is the gold standard. That's not by happenstance, it's because there's a tremendous effort daily to keep this a fishing site and not a sowing circle for grousing.
JJ's post is probably as good as it gets. Guy feels compelled to let us all know there's in his opinion a problem boat who happens to be a sponsor. elects not to turn this into the court of public opinion. I agree 100% with that. But as Chrisper pointed out, he'll be more than happy to PM the name for anyone who takes 30 seconds to send him a pm. Some take the time to gripe about the name not being made public but in the time it took to gripe could have sent a pm to the OP to obtain the name. Unfortunately it's human nature in the word we live in today, everyone wants information and they want it immediately. Keep forcing members to disclose information which for whatever reason goes against their moral fabric and all we're collectively doing is creating a disincentive to post anything and we'd be worse off for it. This is a perfect use of the PM feature to facilitate sensitive matters, use it and everyone gets what they want without the drama. It's actually accommodates ALL opinions voiced without WW III breaking out.
This thread should be filed under the adage "Be careful what you ask for, you might get it!" If you what NJF to become another worthless site don't expect the benefits we receive from it today because it could go down the toilet in a heart beat like so many others have. Would be a shame for us and more so for Gerry. Show some respect for sponsors, members and the owner who made this all possible. It costs us NOTHING yet most here visit the site every day and would be jonesing if it were gone.
JJ balanced out everyone knowing while not falling into the trap most of us do which is turning the thread into a shit storm. Something we can all learn and benefit from. In the tight community we live in, a few pm's and half the board will know who the boat is and the court of public opinion can and will take it from there. Don't ruin this site in the process.......PLEASE!
Capt Sal
12-02-2016, 09:26 AM
Yes, but as a trusted news outlet these two publications would never run an article without a reliable source and more knowledge the suspected villain boat. While the post here is member of our online community and entitled to his voice heard, without naming names little credibility from a pure journalist stand point.
Two way street. Fake names on the internet except the sponsors?I would let this go and move on to more important things. Bad trip and not happy-don't book him again. With all due respect there are always two sides to a situation like this.I am by no means saying the Capt and mate were right but who are we to judge on the word of one person. It got 9,000 hits and i bet my bottom dollar out of those 9,000 there are many who never gave a dime to Save the Summer Flounder cause. Said my piece and done.
Jerzee John
12-02-2016, 09:33 AM
I would like to share some of my thoughts and felling's on some of the posts on this thread. I purposely did not post the name of the Boat out of respect for Gerry and this site. I do not feel it is right to call out one of Gerry's sponsors in an open forum like this. That being said my son had tipped the mate in the beginning of the trip over the standard 20% mainly because we own restaurants which are also a service business and have found that money in most cases motivates people to do a better job. Unfortunately that was not the case in this instance. Plus had we not done that and I stiffed him at the end of the trip that would have made me no better than him. Call me Crazy but that's how service people think. I have answered many members PM with the info so if you would like more information fell free to PM me.
12-02-2016, 09:48 AM
"I have answered many members PM with the info so if you would like more information fell free to PM me.
Tried to PM you ,but your inbox is full. Sent an email instead. Thanks. Fishfish
Grateful Dad
12-02-2016, 09:55 AM
I would have to agree with JJ's opinion on this. It's not right to call out a sponsor on a public forum. I was in the same situation a month ago, when 2 sponsor boats got into a pissing match in the bay, and nearly swamped my boat with their dicking around.
I gave enough clues to figure out who was responsible, and those that really wanted to know and took the time to PM me got answers. I wasn't trying to kill someone' business or reputation, but simply point out facts, to let you decide if you wanted to support an operation who exhibits this kind of behavior.
Capt. Debbie
12-02-2016, 10:14 AM
Maybe not condemn the boat, but sure paint it with a brown colored brush.
Wild idea... THE CAPTAIN DID NOT LIKE YOU and did NOT want you back.
i would not condemn any capt. or mate based on one bad post,if you are in the position to charter a boat maybe you should have a list of what you expect and the type of service you will require based on the ability of the charter guests.I think the charter organizer should be clear and precise as to what they are willing to pay for.Just saying for future charters
Capt. Debbie
12-02-2016, 10:16 AM
I guess the Sponsor and the customer can PM each other too?
"KISS MY ASS" means I don't care. Don't come back to my boat.
Maybe Gerry could moderate a private discussion?
I would have to agree with JJ's opinion on this. It's not right to call out a sponsor on a public forum. I was in the same situation a month ago, when 2 sponsor boats got into a pissing match in the bay, and nearly swamped my boat with their dicking around.
I gave enough clues to figure out who was responsible, and those that really wanted to know and took the time to PM me got answers. I wasn't trying to kill someone' business or reputation, but simply point out facts, to let you decide if you wanted to support an operation who exhibits this kind of behavior.
Gerry Zagorski
12-02-2016, 11:00 AM
OK - I think we let this thing run it's coarse so shutting this post down.
Time to move on.
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