View Full Version : Russian Roulette Sea Bass Slaughter

Blackfish Doug
11-29-2016, 01:26 AM
I can't remember the last time that I ever did a trip like this. A easy full boat limit of fish today. I'm in serious pain right now I can't think of the last time I needed a pain reliever but I need one now. When you can impress Captains & mates from other boats you know you put in a serious day of fishing. We had an awful lot of Jumbo Sea Bass today my pictures on facebook do no justice to the size of the fish we caught today. Check it out

11-29-2016, 07:42 AM
How far off were you fishing, how deep? I'm just curious as I am due out Thursday night on ns and want to look ahead at weather for the area.

Man Workin
11-29-2016, 08:36 AM
Happy for you.

11-29-2016, 07:27 PM
Nothing new for Captain Denis, always on the fish.

Blackfish Doug
11-29-2016, 07:39 PM
How far off were you fishing, how deep? I'm just curious as I am due out Thursday night on ns and want to look ahead at weather for the area.

I know who your fishing with & I'm not sure if he will be where we fished. But your in good hands with an excellent offshore fisherman. As far as how far off I don't want to give out that information there are too many private boats out there that would love to just love to know that that little tiny tidbit same for depth of water as well. Your captain is well aware of where we were & knows his stuff. The best advice I can give you is keep it simple no Glow beads,Jigs or teasers all they are is Bluefish attractors. The Bluefish can totally shut down a bite it can be just as bad as dogfish. Make sure you have plenty of heavy weights 16 oz to 20 oz & a reel that has good line capacity. Try to stay away from the triple header rig you got it that top hook is a Bluefish attactor plus a extra hook that you don't have to worry about when & if you get in a tangle. Stay simple & you will outfish those with all the glitter.

Russian Roulette
11-30-2016, 07:17 AM
Definitely was best showing of jumbo seabass we have seen this season guys had there complete limit big ones
Check out open boat forum to join us

Capt. Lou
11-30-2016, 09:06 AM
Nice SB , Denis will put u on the fish , always 100% effort !👍

Russian Roulette
12-02-2016, 12:03 PM
Looks like great weather window this Monday for offshore run, we have room available give us a call to join us