View Full Version : Lady m charters / open boat tog

Lady M Charters
11-26-2016, 08:18 PM
(FRIDAY) Today we had a charter for Steve and his buddies for a day of Tog fishing, the first drop had nice keepers but to many shorts to stick with it. The second drop was a repeat. When the current changed the anchoring conditions went to crap and it was all over. It is very hard to catch Tog when you cant sit still any way that is how the sinker bounces someday's.

(SAT) This A.M we ran an open boat Tog trip and it was a big improvement over yesterday. It helps when you sit tight on the anchors and can build up the life. We picked and plucked all day long for a decent results by day's end. Frankie was HH with 10 keepers(orl) and down from there.

2 spots open for mondays tog trip