View Full Version : Mad gaffer blackfish trip Tuesday, November 22

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
11-22-2016, 02:39 PM
We managed to scratch out a decent catch of big fish today, took all day to do it, but we were a little bit stymied by the wind and couldn't venture very far off shore , but the people were persistent , and we ground out a couple of limits and everybody had a few, the saving grace of the fishing was the size of the fish . The rest of the week looks a whole lot better weatherwise, we had wind up to 40 miles an hour today from the west, it didn't make it really rough, lnshore where we were fishing, but it was still hard to feel the bites. we have an open boat tomorrow Wednesday, and an early trip returning early on Thursday Thanksgiving, and still have spots on Black Friday call for information and reservations

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
11-22-2016, 02:48 PM
Killin it