View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Very late Bite today....Saturdays Report.

11-19-2016, 05:20 PM
FISHERMEN/Very late Bite today....Saturdays Report.

Started the morning off catching 2 Stripers on the incoming tide, it was all down hill from there!

Went into search mode again looking in several area's, NG. Made our way back late in the day to where we started out and once again, the bite turned on with the change of tide. A couple Birds working one area then, the whole place lite up. Big Blues, just like the Spring when we had them in the bay. Have no idea where they came from after reading Nothing in the AM but thank God something happened!!

Put in lots of overtime so everyone could have some fun and bail the day out.

Not sailing Sunday with a Gail warning, will post tomorrow about Mondays trip.

Capt. Ron