View Full Version : Late Thursday "Whale" of a Report

11-19-2016, 08:46 AM
Headed out Thursday morning out of Sayreville with my friend Bob .A Huge school of bunker was in the river from the Parkway bridge all the way to the triangle. We tried using mojos but we were only snagging bunker on the mojos ; they were so thick. Gannets were working off Keyport and we trolled 2 keeper stripers in 5 minutes along with large blues.
We then headed out to the reef for blackfish but it became rough and we could not get any keepers. On the way back in gannets were from the Reach all the way to the triangle. I thought I saw a whale breach closer to South Amboy. We put out 1 rod at the east side of the triangle, hooked up right away. I started taking video on my phone of Bob with the fish, joking around about the whale. Was I Surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BugEye Chris
11-19-2016, 09:15 AM
I think you need a bigger boat