View Full Version : Golden Eagle - Fishing Report

11-06-2016, 03:54 PM
We went into overtime again today trying to get the fish to bite but they would not cooperate. We moved around a lot and caught live bunkers and used those along with Run Off hammer jigs and spoons. A few times we saw lots of birds so we went to them and there were hundreds of big fish on the surface splashing around the boat both BLUES and STRIPERS but we could only get a few to bite.

We saw a lot of fish out there and we will be back at it again tomorrow.

See you in the morning.

The GOLDEN EAGLE sails every day for STRIPERS & BLUES at 7:30 am from Belmar Marina in Belmar, NJ.

For more information visit us at www.goldeneaglefishing.com or call 732-681-6144.

See you on board