View Full Version : Prowler5 - Wed., Nov. 2 - Tog, Sea Bass, Porgie Report

Prowler 5
11-02-2016, 01:24 PM
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. I have the boat out today with 29 customers. It feels like July 2nd rather than November 2nd! TOO nice out here today. I'm out here working with my pal Eddy Bunt (Mundis) of the Sea Horse. Started out down south where I fished yesterday for the porgies and sea bass, saw the porgies come in but not a lot of keeper sea bass, just a few. Took a ride out to the east and had some nice blackfish coming in, with shorts. We lost the conditions. Totally, floppy, moppy conditions. Going to make one last drop for the day. That will be number five for us. Me and Marko will see you 5:30 sharp in the A.M. 5:30. Thx., Capt. Scott

Prowler 5
11-02-2016, 07:41 PM
P.S. I banged away at more nice porgies on the 5th drop of the day in 78 feet of water. Just found out, I got bounced out for tomorrow. Capt. Glenn said him, Marko and Eddy Bunt (Mundis) of the Sea Horse will be shaping up in the A.M. I really enjoyed my day having my pal out on the boat - like the old days. Thanks Capt. Eddy for helping me out today.