View Full Version : Wire line spoon rods/right off the rack!

Kevin Bogan
11-01-2016, 05:58 PM
:confused:Hey Skipper, I want to catch a bunch of Striped Bass. What do I do?
:cool:Get down to see the guys at Fish Poison rods! They build the "Worlds Finest" Spoon rods.
:) How can you tell?
:cool: Pretty easy. Look at the handle assembly. If you see plastic parts like "slick butts" well that's French for "JUNK". Fish Poison rods use 2 pieces aluminum butts, the best butt assembly anywhere.
:mad: yeah, I have those on some of my rods, worst crap I've ever seen.
:cool: Do you know that Fish Poison rods are the only rods on the market with "Heat Sealed Tungsten Carbide Guides". They help to prevent electrolysis, and it's RARE, I Repeat RARE that the guides on these rods will break. All the other brands just don't hold up!!!!
:mad: right again Skip. The guides on my rods keep breaking, what's the story?
:cool:The story is this. NO OTHER wire line rod, anywhere comes close to the quality of a Fish Poison rod!!!! NO ROD will outfish a Fish Poison rod!!!!
:eek: Will the Fish Police arrest me for catching too many fish????
:cool: Not when you tell them the price you paid!!! $249 per rod