View Full Version : Rock bottom weekend Seabass/porgies

10-30-2016, 06:26 PM
We were finally able to get out today for some seabass fishing and after reports from the week we were skeptical. Headed out but due to the afternoon wind that was coming we didn't get to go out as far as we wanted. We anchored up on 1 spot and stayed there most of the day repositioning a few times. Fishing was excellent...if it was the spring time regulations at 12.5 because then we would have been in real early with a full boat. It seems like they know exactly when and how much to adjust these regulations. But anyway we had life all day not many small small fish which was good. Some real big seabass coming over as well as porgies, but only a handful of those guys which was surprising. Walter also had our lone flounder of the trip as well as a 15lb gator blue. And only 2 doggies to deal with. HH had just 1 shy of his limit which was pretty good. Will be back at it tomorrow

We were out again today on the Seabass grounds. Started off today where we ended up yesterday. A little bumpy in the morning + a few guys not feeling too well in the am. They all did manage to fight thru it and be able to catch some real nice Seabass and porgies. Had good fishing and then it just stopped, still read them but they just wouldn't eat anymore. We picked up and moved a little ways and had even better life there with a lot more keepers. Had some big Seabass today, not as many jumbos as yesterday but had a lot more porgies today, largest dinner plate one at 18 inches. We were able to fill up the cooler today and ended up doing much better than yesterday - still would have like to of had more porgies tho, but ended with 20 jumbos. Only 1 blue today when he chased a Seabass all the way to the surface eating half of him. Also had a lot more 12 3/4 - 12 7/8 " Seabass today. Still frustrating

We have 1 openings sat 11/5 for bass/blackfish and spots 11/11 , 11/12, and 11/13 for Seabass & porgies

I Will post the rest of the pics tomorrow. Can only post 1 at a time and I've gotta go out for my daughters 21st