View Full Version : Joey Tomatos Fishing Charters

Joey Tomato
10-17-2016, 01:57 PM
I wanted to go fishing for tuna and I didn't have enough people to do a trip on my boat, Joey Tomato's. One of the neighboring boats at my dock at Clark's Landing, was doing a Canyon run so I asked if I could go with him. They only had a total of three guys and they had room for me. The name of the boat is The Lucky Irishman and he holds a Captain license like me but doesn't fish that much and not a seasoned pro., but loves to go fishing for Tuna. The owner and Captain is also a Hearth surgeon but don't let that fool you he is a hard core Tuna fisherman and loves it. We left at 9:00 A.M. and when we arrived we started trolling but just a couple of knock downs. At dark we drifted and started chunking and real soon we had a couple of 20 to 40 Ib. Yellow Fin. Then at 12:30A.M. we said the fish stop biting maybe we will rest up? No sooner then completing that sentence we got a slam on the chunk. Two and a half hours later with three of us taking turns on pulling it in we landed, as we weighed it later, a 270 Lb. Big Eye. Capt. Jerry, Doc. Capt Jerry, was driving the boat to make sure the fish was always in the clear not to get under the boat of get ripped off on the props. The three of us took turns trying to get the fish boarded. Wasn't easy but a great time and long time bragging rights. The Doc. was yellowing out don't let him get away. This guy has owned and fished for tuna a hand full of times and said every time he has gone out he always has had a Big Eyes on but has never got one on the boat. I hope I was a help and it took all of us to board it. But there were 4 men acting like 12 years old with the rest of our lives to show anyone that is interested the picture of the Giant Big Eye that we took 2 and a half hours to get on to the boat. Buy the way both rod and real was not Big Eye equipment. So we did good. Captain Joe Karcich, Joey Tomato's Fishing Charters