View Full Version : Party Boat Angler Sunday Report

captain george angler
10-16-2016, 05:55 PM
We had a nice sun rise followed by a beautiful Oct. day on the ocean. it was also a fare. well party for Bob the cook. He is leaving Nj and moving to Georgia. We will miss his company and sandwiches.

The morning fishing was slow with the porgies and only a few tog after yesterdays good crab bite. We ended the day to the North where we had none stop action with the sea bass and a god amount of pogies mixed in. I can't wait till next Saturday when the bass open.

Wednesday will be our next trip leaving at 7:00 AM
clams and crabs for bait.

Thanks captain George

10-16-2016, 08:05 PM
Don't know if he sees this but best wishes to Bob. Always enjoyed talking to him in the mornings and the awesome bacon egg and cheese sandwiches. We'll miss you buddy!

Fin Reaper
10-16-2016, 09:05 PM
Best of luck Bob!
You will be missed!

10-17-2016, 08:35 AM
Best of Luck Down In Georgia Bob enjoy the retirement
