View Full Version : Sundials as bait?!

10-05-2016, 06:08 PM
I watched an episode of Trev Gowdy "monster fish" which I must say is a pretty lame produced fishing show as I find the narrator to be just annoying as hell!

However on the episode i watched the guy was fishing off LI and was live lining sundials for some big bass! I've heard of old timers fishing live flounder and of course Hoggy makes that little flounder lure. I just never thought people actually live line them for bass. I catch sundials all the time on teasers and small metal in the surf... Maybe I'll get that crazy urge and throw one out on a treble hook to see what happens one of these days.

10-05-2016, 06:56 PM
Never heard of that before.. Did he catch using them?

ALS Mako
10-05-2016, 07:24 PM
Big fish eat little fish. I'm sure it would work but seems like it would be a pain in the ass compared to live lining bunker . ie getting the bait

10-05-2016, 07:29 PM
Great for fluke and was a great whiting bait many moons ago

Bass will eat them have seen small flounder and fluke

A few years back there was a rubber fluke lure for bass

bunker dunker
10-06-2016, 09:46 AM
used to be a lure company called petree fish which made a flounder lure in
3 sizes.i used the petree jr{5"} allot in li,ri and mass.even caught some here in nj with it.stripers love flounder,fluke and sanddabs.

10-06-2016, 10:47 AM
Atlantic wolffish, windowpane
flounder, ocean pout

Definitely illegal in Federal Waters

10-06-2016, 11:39 AM
Bass will eat anything that swims for the most part, their opportunistic feeders. When bunker or herring are around, there's nothing better but in my opinion they will eat anything on the bottom that moves and will fit in their mouths. Years ago I caught a 38 lbs bass under the Highlands bridge in October. The fish had two 13 inch fluke in it's stomach that looked like they were just eaten and it still hit my Stretch 25. Like others have mentioned, I've seen the flounder / fluke trolling lures in stores, have never seen them actually used. Think they're more of a New England technique which never really caught on in this area. Did the guy catch any bass on them and how was he rigging / fishing them?

10-06-2016, 12:05 PM
Many years ago, I read that a few very good fishermen would use small flounder for stripers, and that they were very good bait.. this was back when there weren't many stripers around, and you had to get creative,,, bob

10-06-2016, 12:25 PM
Atlantic wolffish, windowpane
flounder, ocean pout

Definitely illegal in Federal Waters

I guess I didn't know that.. So if you are fishing out lets say, on the edge of the mudhole and catch a pout or sundial, you can't keep it, but can keep them if you catch them on a rockpile lets say a mile off the beach??... bob

10-07-2016, 02:35 PM
I tagged > 150 sundials the past few years and only got 1 return. I guess the stripers ate them all.