View Full Version : Florida fishin report

shrimpman steve
09-30-2016, 08:01 PM
While its blowin a gale up there its beutiful down in ponce inlet (Daytona). Went out with a new friend for my first redfish trip. It's just like live lining for stripers:)

Hit the inlet early and with a few throws of the net made our bait for the day (mullet). Headed out to the tip of the jetty of ponce inlet and set up shop. Took a little while but I busted my redfish cherry with a fish at the upper end of the slot size. Also caught a bonnet head shark and a monster drag screaming run off which ended up being a nice tarpon. The tarpon launched itself out of the water and cut the 30 floro. A hot fun day on the water. The red run is on right now. Will hit it again real soon.

shrimpman steve
09-30-2016, 08:03 PM
Love the "eye" spot

09-30-2016, 09:53 PM
Hey this is NJ fishing not Florida fishing! Haha jk. Good to see are getting out. Nice catch. They fight like blues or bass?

09-30-2016, 09:54 PM
Nice red!
Those tarpon (silver kings!) are some powerful gamefish - really test your tackle. Hooked and lost a bunch down in the Keys before I finally landed my first one. Was out in an inflatable kayak fishing a pass between keys when it hit. Fish was strong enough to drag me (with anchor out!) under a bridge, clearing the water several times till it tired out. Found out afterwards there is a resident hammerhead that occasionally patrols the area and steals hooked tarpon. So glad he wasn't around that day!:o
Way to catch 'em up!

shrimpman steve
09-30-2016, 10:28 PM
Hey this is NJ fishing not Florida fishing! Haha jk. Good to see are getting out. Nice catch. They fight like blues or bass?

Definitely like a bass

10-02-2016, 03:45 AM
Steve it's been good fishing over here on the west side some Reds mostly Snappers.
Charlotte Harbor

Capt Sal
10-02-2016, 11:15 AM
The Mangrove snapper fishing is red hot.Easy limits every trip.

NJ Dave
10-02-2016, 12:59 PM
Good to see you have found your way around the southern waters Steve.
Nothing like sunshine every day.
Find a few of the sheepshead sharpies and hook up with them, that is your Florida blackfish.
JOEY and I are currently playing our annual tuna weather game. Typical fall blow outs.