View Full Version : Update to flukin in the deep

09-23-2016, 05:15 PM
After Wednesday's beautiful day and some success in the deep, we decide to give it a final shot for 2016 flukin. Got out to a cloudy sky , mist and brisk breeze. Set up on numbers and NADA, made some moves close by NADA, moved further off into 95 foot couple of shorts.

Skies cleared, wind laid down, drift stopped still no real action, Made a move back to original numbers and finally caught our last keeper of the year. Started to get a pretty good swell from the East, decided to make one final move.

Made a move into 65 foot, totally dead. Wind started to come up from the SE so we called the final day of Fluke season a bust and headed in.

09-23-2016, 05:26 PM
Way to give it one last shot. You guys had a a good year with some impressive catches. I am also going to give it one last shot oon Sunday. Hopefully will have better results as it has been a great season. Hopefully will top it off with a DD:D

Bill T
09-23-2016, 05:44 PM
Fished out of Manasquan today. Although we didn' go to the depths you did we gave it a good shot. 1 at 21 , a few shorts & some trash fish . Not our finest hour. Bring on the Stripers.

09-23-2016, 06:13 PM
l'm sorry I got you into this.
Skip, we made the right call.
We had to try.
We were so close.
It was a hell of a fight, though, huh?
Guess the movie????

Thanks Henry for another great fluke year. We caught our share and yes me too. Always a pleasure fishing on the Honey Bee. Porgies Wednesday:D

09-23-2016, 06:39 PM
i fished the farms thursday for a few hours ,,had 4 keepers and lots of shorts,,good way to end it

Overtime Fishing
09-24-2016, 09:28 AM
Fished the farms area yesterday and only keepers came from 105-110 feet. Caught about 30 seabass over 15 inches for a final kick in the pants