View Full Version : Party boat angler thresher shark and fluke report

captain george angler
09-20-2016, 06:22 PM
I wanted to check some areas that were hot this time last year and only found a few shorts some out of season sea bass and john brought a thresher to the boat that we released unharmed. We ended up in the area we have been fishing and had some short life a some nice keepers. Marvin had a 6 1/4 pound fluke only to be beat by Ray Slodowski from Toms River with a 7 pounder for the pool.

We will be fishing back in NY waters tomorrow their last day and Thursday we will be fishing down the beach.

7:00 AM first boat out. NO GALLEY TILL FRIDAY.

BIG POOL $4830

Thanks Captain George

09-20-2016, 07:27 PM
Captain nice report and GREAT job to angler on the thresher release. See too many reports with baby threshers retained, good to see one caught and released. Fantastic job.