View Full Version : Porgy question

09-20-2016, 10:10 AM
So my buddy and I are going to attempt porgy fishing on Thursday and we are launching from Atlantic Highlands. I have been reading about the great porgy fishing but have never done it and don't know where to go? I was thinking sandy hook reef but not really sure. If anyone is willing to tell me where to fish please PM any details you feel comfortable sharing. Also, is it helpful to use a chum log or not necessary? Thanks in advance.

Gerry Zagorski
09-20-2016, 10:23 AM
No chum needed and the reef is a good a spot as any to start... If the winds are light enough I would drift first to find them and then anchor up when you do. If they are not there go to the Shrewsbury Rocks which will be a short distance to your South and West.

Double high low rig with clam and a 2 ounce sinker should do.

Watch your depth finder and look for lumps with what looks like hair on them and you should be in.

Have fun

09-20-2016, 10:32 AM
Thanks Gerry, I appreciate the help

09-20-2016, 12:15 PM
it's like freshwater bluegill fishing, they're everywhere on the reefs usually or rock piles you'll get them no problem, and they'll eat pretty much anything. just make sure your hooks are small enough

09-20-2016, 12:47 PM
There were plenty of them also by the Rockaway side of Ambrose. If the ocean is rough, it will be a shorter ride.

bunker dunker
09-20-2016, 01:45 PM
porgy porgy bite my hook so I can take you home to cook!!!

09-20-2016, 04:40 PM
Small pieces of clam and small hhok and you are all set when you land on them.. Good luckj

09-20-2016, 05:03 PM
No chum needed and the reef is a good a spot as any to start... If the winds are light enough I would drift first to find them and then anchor up when you do. If they are not there go to the Shrewsbury Rocks which will be a short distance to your South and West.

Double high low rig with clam and a 2 ounce sinker should do.

Watch your depth finder and look for lumps with what looks like hair on them and you should be in.

Have fun

"Look for a lump with hair on it" and you should be in!!!!! And I thought Joey Da Fish was the wild brother! You snake you! Great advise though!

09-20-2016, 05:47 PM
"Look for a lump with hair on it" and you should be in!!!!! And I thought Joey Da Fish was the wild brother! You snake you! Great advise though!

I thought he was talking about his brother!

09-20-2016, 07:07 PM
Whenever I see a "lump with hair on it" I make sure to put it IN !! :D

09-20-2016, 07:54 PM
No chum needed and the reef is a good a spot as any to start... If the winds are light enough I would drift first to find them and then anchor up when you do. If they are not there go to the Shrewsbury Rocks which will be a short distance to your South and West.

Double high low rig with clam and a 2 ounce sinker should do.

Watch your depth finder and look for lumps with what looks like hair on them and you should be in.

Have fun

2 oz? Today the current was ripping on the reef and we used 10's and were just barely holding. Want to the rocks and got away with 5's.

Need a porgy forum Gerry.

09-20-2016, 07:56 PM
2 oz? Today the current was ripping on the reef and we used 10's and were just barely holding. Want to the rocks and got away with 5's.

Need a porgy forum Gerry.

porgy forum dales def in charge

poppa how many we gonna catch saturday?

09-21-2016, 05:51 AM
Thanks for all the responses guys!

Gerry Zagorski
09-21-2016, 06:07 AM
2 oz? Today the current was ripping on the reef and we used 10's and were just barely holding. Want to the rocks and got away with 5's.

Need a porgy forum Gerry.

Was out there the other day and you could have held with a split shot Kurtis :p

Moving this to Dave's Powgie Corner :)

Dat boy loves him some Powgies :D:D

And the rest of you guys behave.... There's a lady present :cool:

09-21-2016, 07:26 AM
If You fish the rocks or reef small seabass are a problem. We cured this by putting hooks 3 foot above the sinker, nothing lower, and caught pure porgies.

09-21-2016, 07:53 AM
Was out there the other day and you could have held with a split shot Kurtis :p

Moving this to Dave's Powgie Corner :)

Dat boy loves him some Powgies :D:D

And the rest of you guys behave.... There's a lady present :cool:

LOL, I really have to change my avatar. I'm a 50 year old ugly man. That's my not so ugly daughter with a nice steelhead!

09-21-2016, 10:10 AM
If You fish the rocks or reef small seabass are a problem. We cured this by putting hooks 3 foot above the sinker, nothing lower, and caught pure porgies.

We were catching them 20 feet off the bottom. Nothing but sea bass if you hit bottom.

09-21-2016, 12:21 PM
LOL, I really have to change my avatar. I'm a 50 year old ugly man. That's my not so ugly daughter with a nice steelhead!

HAHAHAHA Jim, that's the only reason any of these guys helped you, they thought you were a girl! HAHAHAHA

09-23-2016, 11:29 AM
Thanks to everyone for the information provided. The day started out with a thud as we had engine problems and were stuck at the dock for over an hour. However, once we got going we got to the Porgy grounds based on Gerry's suggestion and it was Porgy on! I must have got 60 myself including at least a dozen double headers until I got tired of fishing for them. Also hooked and landed a cow nose ray on very light Porgy tackle which was a lot of fun. Some blues came to hand as well. Thanks for all the help guys!

Gerry Zagorski
09-23-2016, 12:56 PM
Glad you got into them and the 411 helped.

09-24-2016, 11:44 AM
Thanks to everyone for the information provided. The day started out with a thud as we had engine problems and were stuck at the dock for over an hour. However, once we got going we got to the Porgy grounds based on Gerry's suggestion and it was Porgy on! I must have got 60 myself including at least a dozen double headers until I got tired of fishing for them. Also hooked and landed a cow nose ray on very light Porgy tackle which was a lot of fun. Some blues came to hand as well. Thanks for all the help guys!

Did you anchor up out there? I was out in same area yesterday afternoon. I drifted and only got one nice porgy. I didn't get out till late and that east swell kicked up a bit too much for me to want to anchor up in. Lots of marks on the bottom on sonar. 1,000,000 and a half searobbins though...lol. Couple cocktail blues for dinner to salvage the trip in the rip on the run home. Going to try again tom afternoon if the ocean lets up.

09-24-2016, 03:03 PM
Check your pm's

09-25-2016, 07:44 PM
Check your pm's

Thanks! Went out again today and all I could pull up was seabass....lol