View Full Version : 9/17/16 - LBI - Day 1

09-17-2016, 08:24 PM
Well we are back in LBI for a week. Got down here last night and got all unpacked. Got up extra early today becuase the boat was super busy yesterday and Ryan said to get there early. So we left the house at 4:30 and headed to Wawa and got some coffee then off to the boat. Got our spots on the bow where we wanted. Tied up some rigs and had some breakfast and by time i was done with that Will was starting the engines. We headed out the inlet and went to the Reef. First drop wasnt anything great. Had a crap drift and not many bites. Will made some moves and we got a little drift and it was game on for dad and I. We both lost count of how many shorts we got. It was wild. Hit the bottom then 2 bounces and fish on! Moved around throughout the day and dad got the dollar fish. Then i pulled in a nice keeper. Then dad hooks up to another fish they he didnt think was to big but as it got closer to the top he felt weight and called for the net. Gina was right there and scooped it up. Real nice fish. 5.10 pounds. I get another keeper then dad follows with another. Few more shorts and a blue fish later it was time to head in. We ended the day with 5 keepers. I got 2 and Dad got 3. Dad also got the right one but that 5.10 pound fish was the pool winner. Good day with great people. Top notch operation as always! On another note. The water was super dirty on the way out and once we got out to the reef it was so clean. Could see a easy 40 feet down. Pretty sweet. Ok fish porn time





09-17-2016, 09:03 PM
Great stuff - if Jeff Jr doesn't win the pool on that boat, then Jeff Sr will !! Have a great time down there, keep the reports (and fluke) coming:)

09-18-2016, 05:35 AM
Love those LBI reports, keep em coming. I haven't been down there yet this year but hoping to make a trip come the fall. And you two really are on a roll with the pool fish! :D