View Full Version : FISHERMEN 9/14 Night Fishing Report/ Excellent Porgy Fishing

09-15-2016, 10:21 AM
Excellent Porgy fishing last night. Had a small crowd and they wanted Porgies. If you want to catch a bunch of fish now is the time. Sailing tonight at 6:30pm.


09-15-2016, 10:35 AM
What a night of Porgy fishing last night unbelievable!! I couldn't put a bait on fast enough and drop it in the water as soon as it hit the bottom you had doubles all night some big fat Porgy's. I had my limit by 9:15 and the pool fish after that it was catch and release and we came back early plenty of fillets. Guys come on down and have some fun fishing because it wont last forever, right now its hot. See you guys tonight cant wait to do it again and I know a couple of my regulars are coming down so I cant wait to fill up those buckets again :)

09-16-2016, 07:49 AM
Nice. Smoke em up!

09-16-2016, 11:57 AM
Not one picture where it wasn't double header! One of the most fun fish to catch fight wise on light tackle. I've tried porgies before and didn't really like the taste. Some people seem to rave about them. What's the best way of preparing them for the dinner table. For guys who smoke them, how long do you keep them in the smoker and whats the preparation. Do you use a rub, seasoning, whole fish vs. fillet etc.? Looks like a fun trip. good to see porgies back in such abundance.

09-16-2016, 12:12 PM
To smoke them.

Place gutted fish, I also cut off the head, in a saltwater brine over night.

Place fish in the smoker the next day at around 225 degrees for 3-4 hours. I use hickory.

Note: bigger fish should soak longer and smoke longer. you can also scale them but it's a pain in the a$$.
