View Full Version : Tuesday on Da Monger

09-14-2016, 09:31 AM
Had Capt Jerry Chartered yesterday with an all star crew including the flying Zagorski Brothers, Alex MVP, Kurtis B, George Gdubya, Henry, Rich, Mike Two Guys Rod, Brian and Matt.

Left dock with hopes of another Fluke beat down before the end of season but even with Capt Jerry in charge and the crew at hand it wasn't meant to be. We had the bites but they were non committal. After boating shorts and 2 keepers in 4 hours the decision was made to go after some other bottom dwellers and you got it PORGYS.

Oh and a note to NOAA: We released numerous Seabass at each spot from 6 inches to 3 lbs so stock is in great shape.

With Joey Da Fish pouting in the cabin while waiting for the Tog Spot we started to put a beating on em. Porgys, Triggers, puffers etc. It was fun and stupid fishing. Even Joey caved and fished for them for a minute Convinced Fearless Leader Gerry to start a Porgy ONLY forum on the site:D

While we had our fill many of the crew switched over to Tog. George had the hot hand landing 4 ORL. Joey and others had a few I believe but just short
Lots of laughs as usual with this crowd and the Porgy jokes were flying as fast as the fish came over the rail.
We added some puffers and bluefish to round out the catch.

Oh and a note to NOAA: We released numerous Seabass at each spot from 6 inches to 3 lbs plus so stock is in great shape.

Ride from MI all the way North saw 4 boats and probably 6 where we were fishing. I must pick the right days as again it was a ghost town ocean for a beautiful Tuesday.

Oh and a note to NOAA: We released numerous Seabass at each spot from 6 inches to 3 lbs plus so stock is in great shape

Great day, Thanks Capt! mates Mike and john did their usual top notch job. Always there if and when you needed anything.

09-14-2016, 09:53 AM
Insane amount of fish especially when you consider only two of them were the target species at the beginning of the trip. Don't think anyone ever walked off the Monger complaining about getting their money's worth. Helluva an effort. Sounds like Hermine might have effected the fluke after all.

Man Workin
09-14-2016, 10:19 AM
We did the same thing yesterday, I think I saw you guys drive by. I know I have a Blackfish addiction, but man was to nice to catch some Tog and Porgies are a nice fill in. Your are right sure is nice to fish when it's not a parking lot.

Man Workin
Shark River Marina

shrimpman steve
09-14-2016, 11:05 AM
Did you catch any seabass:D

Man Workin
09-14-2016, 11:25 AM
Many sea bass, we were actually trying to work our fluke baits away from the little ones or just moved some. It's always a joke on M.W that the current Sea Bass regs are in place, not really funny though.

Gerry Zagorski
09-14-2016, 11:58 AM
A fun trip for sure.. Not many Fluke but plenty of laughs and Porgy to fill in the gaps. Monger crew as always top notch and put in maximum effort.

09-14-2016, 12:43 PM
Dave , thanks again for the invite for the grand slam Porgy fest , let me know when the new Porgy site/forum is up and running. Fluking sucked just a couple of keepers and shorts (the water still seemed dirty), so we had to switch over to Porgies (The Zagorski's stood in protest) .I actually never fished for them or ate em before so when I went home last night, made fish tacos out of them and they were pretty good. BTW it was just drop and reel fishing there were so many. We also boated a couple of triggers and puffer fish which were very cool.

But while Porgy fishing Captain Jelly says you can fish for Toggies here too, then some of us went for it. It was nice and different to fish for them in the warmer weather. I was lucky and caught a few and went 3 for 6 on keepers ORLL and just used Greenies( it was just a scratch bite).

The highlight of my day was when Capt. Jelly dropped his pole in the drink and then he proclaims that he didnt like that rod anyway. Luckily we were fishing shallow and I had just reeled up so I drop my line down and sure as Shyte I hook his pole but never will this happen again ,I had a blackfish rig on with a slider and both hooks , hook the last/top guide in the eye with both hooks - :eek: - and someone else had it too and we reel it up .I got it and I quote " I am very F@#$ing Proud of yah " never again will those words be spoken to me from Captain Jelly ever again .

I also didnt get banned / fired once yesterday, I met somebody who drives Capt. Jelly crazier than me . Soembody's brother who owns a fishing website that ends in ski that will remane nameless - :D

PS – we couldn’t leave until Dave caught a Trigger , we were screaming Uncle , No Mas but Dave stood his ground Hell to the No , Thankfully he caught it within a couple of minutes of his proclamation and we were off

Thanks to Capt. Jelly and crew John and Miami Mike for being awesome and filleting those porgies

Great trip as always with a great cast of characters tons of fun and lots of laffs

Be Well Be Safe and Fish On


09-14-2016, 01:18 PM
Nice work gals so sad I couldn't be there.

ALS Mako
09-14-2016, 02:50 PM
Atta boy fellas. I was getting updates throughout the day. Glad you guys salvaged the day. Top notch capt and crew can always get a catch together.

09-14-2016, 03:51 PM
Tremendous crew, nice catch, fantastic boat. Disappointed that Fluke have dispersed, excited that Tog are imminent ! Happy to hear that Dave was actually fishing (hopefully w/o pain) until 3 whistles blew :eek:

Del River Rat
09-14-2016, 04:17 PM
So why do you guys say the fluke are
Gone or have left🤔

Del River Rat
09-14-2016, 04:19 PM
That's only one day of fishing🤔

09-14-2016, 04:38 PM
So why do you guys say the fluke are
Gone or have left🤔

When Monger switches over from Fluke to Porgies during Fluke Season, that's proof-positive to me !

Del River Rat
09-14-2016, 04:45 PM

09-14-2016, 05:14 PM
Nice work gals so sad I couldn't be there.

You were missed Joey and your name came up once or 10 times however we all agreed that much time was saved at the dock when splitting up the catch since we didn't have to DNA test the fish to see which ones you laid on or licked;)

09-14-2016, 05:26 PM
Nice work boys! Did you catch any of those endangered sea bass?

Joey Dah Fish
09-14-2016, 05:45 PM
Fun time no doubt!!! Well except for the www.njpogy part. Jelly and crew worked hard all day to put a catch together for us as usual. Never a dull moment with this crew :D I think we threw back about 1,000,000 of the extinct Sea Bass NMF says are gone. Thanks for the invites Dales except the porgy part lol.

09-14-2016, 07:59 PM
Dave (dales) new screen name as moderator of the Porgy forum should be the Porgy Whisperer:D

09-14-2016, 09:23 PM
Looks like yall were a day early. ....

09-14-2016, 11:24 PM
I went out yesterday on the 6 packs charter out of point pleasant ,we got boat limit of flukes to7.5 lbs, hope fluke stay till the season close

09-15-2016, 08:37 AM
So why do you guys say the fluke are
Gone or have left��

Fluke are not gone , in my post I said water is still dirty and received intel that some boats limited out on nice fish and The Monger boyz Crushed em yesterday, we were a day late and not firing on all 8 cylinders but that is fishing

They are still here


09-15-2016, 10:55 AM
Dave (dales) new screen name as moderator of the Porgy forum should be the Porgy Whisperer:D

pretty sure I saw you @ a local Chinese restaurant the other day when I was picking up pizza. no I wasn't stalking you, but when I see fishing rods I cant help but stop and stare. how's the food there im looking for a new spot.

09-16-2016, 04:12 PM
Nice report fellas!

Couple days late to reading PM's Dave.....wish I coulda made the report and not just read it!!!

09-16-2016, 05:25 PM
pretty sure I saw you @ a local Chinese restaurant the other day when I was picking up pizza. no I wasn't stalking you, but when I see fishing rods I cant help but stop and stare. how's the food there im looking for a new spot.

He was probably trying to trade the big silver eel he caught for something edible.