View Full Version : Albacore v false albacore

09-13-2016, 04:46 PM
As I get excited reading these recent reports, I just need to clarify one thing. Are these boats catching false albacore ? Been awhile since I had a chance to catch them but if memory serves me right they have little value to eat. Reason why I mention it is that I have seen some photos with guys posing with them at day's end. I have seen photos on non sponsor as well as sponsor sites...are there any bonitos mixed in ? am I missing something ?

09-13-2016, 05:06 PM
The pics are Little Tunny or False Albacore. They have little food value.
True (Longfin) Albacore which have excellent food value are found offshore.

They are two different Species.

BugEye Chris
09-13-2016, 05:21 PM
Also skip jacks look similar to false Albie

09-13-2016, 06:01 PM
Its been decades since I caught a Little Tunny... I know they are really poor eating but as the OP said, lots of guys keep them instead of letting them go..
I seem to recall they almost beat themselves to death during the battle and boating, and many simply wouldn't survive even if released.. Maybe someone can enlighten me.. I have caught them, but it was probably 35 years ago that i last caught any, and am curious as to why some guys keep them to eat.. From what i recall, it was the worst eating fish I ever tried... bob

09-13-2016, 06:52 PM
I had some people who consistently bought them off me back in the day. I was always shocked when they came back for more. They are good bait.

09-13-2016, 07:04 PM
i've never tried them but, i'm pretty sure you can poach the strong unpleasant taste out of just about any oily fish!

09-13-2016, 07:12 PM
Has anyone smoked or pickled them?

Joey Dah Fish
09-13-2016, 07:19 PM
Has anyone smoked or pickled them?

They're a little harsh and tough to keep lit in the pipe :p

09-13-2016, 08:06 PM
Unfortunately there are very few bonita mixed in. Sunday's bonanza on the Golden Eagle yielded roughly 100 albies for the boat and one lone bonita. I offered the dude my 9 albies for it but he wisely turned me down. A few years ago I did get a 20lb pollack for 10 albies. Bunch of Japanese guys, they really wanted them. Art of the deal.

Skipjacks look different, they have a distinctive purple coloring on top and lines like a true albie has. Albies look the way they taste as do sea bass for that matter. Some real pigs came up today and were sadly thrown back.

09-13-2016, 08:15 PM
When heading out to the canyon, you are very fortunate to catch a couple False Albacore. Cut each side in a checkerboard pattern, and fillet each side off in 1/2 to 3/4 in. cubes. Put them in a bag on ice, for when you pick up a Dolphin fish on the troll, or around some float. When the first fish is at boatside, put the rod in the holder, and let the school stay with their buddy. Start chunking small handfulls of the cubes while you get down your spinner with a coastal swivel holding a 5/0 circle hook on a short leader. Bury the hook in a chunk with no weight, and let it float down in the mix. When your next Mahi is at boatside, bring in the first one, and leave it on the deck. When the next Mahi comes up, pull in the second one that is in the water, and unclip the coastal clip, and add another leadered hook. When we go to Hatteras, I make up a small bag of 10 for each person on board. When you are out of hooks, you have limited out. You will be ankle deep in good eating. Get your hooks back when the fish are chilled, and quiet. Almost nothing is as good as deep fried Mahi Fingers the first night......Yum.
If you don't catch a False Albie, peanut bunker, spearing, or squid pieces work as well........Catch 'em up............Papa

09-13-2016, 08:30 PM
They are gross to eat. Work well as fertilizer for the garden thow. :eek::D Good bait as well. Id toss em back if i got one but thats me. See the pics of the guys on the surf playing C and R so the mortality rate must not be that bad

09-14-2016, 12:05 AM
Probably a pilotfish...no wait banded rudder

09-14-2016, 10:22 AM
Its been decades since I caught a Little Tunny... I know they are really poor eating but as the OP said, lots of guys keep them instead of letting them go..
I seem to recall they almost beat themselves to death during the battle and boating, and many simply wouldn't survive even if released.. Maybe someone can enlighten me.. I have caught them, but it was probably 35 years ago that i last caught any, and am curious as to why some guys keep them to eat.. From what i recall, it was the worst eating fish I ever tried... bob

To each their own on food value...just like someone may not like tofu but others love it. Why we find fault in what others like to eat is beyond me.

In regards to releasing them...I have yet to see one not swim away at a fast pace. I'm sure some do get damaged but overall as soon as we drop them in head first they are gone.

09-14-2016, 01:02 PM
False albacore also make for good strip baits for trolling with an islander or schute too.

Pennsy Guy
09-14-2016, 04:17 PM
Has anyone smoked or pickled them?

I used to marinate fillets 24-36hrs and smoke em. Took some and some smoked YFT on a tuna trip---guys couldn't tell the difference...Also ground them mixed with menhaden oil & used for chum...excellent!!! same with Skippies...

Blind Squirrel
09-14-2016, 07:19 PM
They are gross to eat. Work well as fertilizer for the garden thow. :eek::D Good bait as well. Id toss em back if i got one but thats me. See the pics of the guys on the surf playing C and R so the mortality rate must not be that bad
False albacore are excellent as sashimi and absolutely horrible cooked. Chill one, cut it up, and just try it before turning up your nose at it. You'll be as surprised as I was a decade ago after years of throwing them back. :cool:

09-14-2016, 09:27 PM
Used to have a customer for albies, a sushi place who passed them off as bonito. Went there to eat one night and he gave me a piece. Disgusting. Even he had to stop taking them after a while. But like the other poster said, each to his own. Hey, I was on a PB about 10 years ago, we were on our way back and there was a crowd on the upper deck surrounding a Korean guy who was eating bluefish raw. Blood all over his face, running down his cheeks, ripping off pieces with his hand and gnawing away. He seemed to be enjoying it. Each to his own, right?

09-14-2016, 10:01 PM
False albacore are excellent as sashimi and absolutely horrible cooked. Chill one, cut it up, and just try it before turning up your nose at it. You'll be as surprised as I was a decade ago after years of throwing them back. :cool:

Exactly, good raw. Cooked requires strong seasoning, and still not worth the effort.

09-14-2016, 10:40 PM
False albacore are excellent as sashimi and absolutely horrible cooked. Chill one, cut it up, and just try it before turning up your nose at it. You'll be as surprised as I was a decade ago after years of throwing them back. :cool:

I tried some cooked and it was bad but never as sashimi. Im not going to kill one just to try but if i happen to be on a trip with someone doing that id give it a try i guess

Blind Squirrel
09-15-2016, 09:47 AM
I tried some cooked and it was bad but never as sashimi. Im not going to kill one just to try but if i happen to be on a trip with someone doing that id give it a try i guess
My late wife used to joke that our cats ran away from home when we tried broiling false albacore filets, but you wouldn't be disappointed if you tried it raw, as long as it didn't sit all day in the sun on a hot deck. If it's properly cared for and eaten fresh, it's delicious to any serious sushi/sashimi lover. Cooking it stinks out the whole house however, and the taste is horrendous.

09-15-2016, 01:14 PM
False Albacore - Ice them and bleed them right away and the pink meat is good sashimi. Red meat isn't as good but not horrible.