View Full Version : Live bait=dead fish

Kevin Bogan
09-13-2016, 01:57 PM
:mad: Hey skipper, all the other guys are catching live bait with those "SABIKI RODS" they sell down at Kevin Bogan's tackle. It's not fair, it will deplete all species known to mankind!!!!
:cool: Yo, Dude!!! calm down. As we all know it is widely believed on the seven seas that nothing matches live bait for catching Big Fish!!!!
:eek: yes but I wore out my fillet knife using FISH POISON rods. If I catch any more, Hillary might tax me for catching too many.
:cool: Yes but who knows how long we've got here on the high seas? IT's time to catch the multitudes!!!!
:confused: Does that mean more than ONE?????
:cool: No it means you will catch more than you can count!!!! I got one of those Sabiki bait sticks and I'm already up to 1,386,423 fish just this past week!
:o Yes, that's because you are friends with Davy Jones, and he always tells you where the fish are hiding!
:cool::rolleyes: that's partly true BUT!!!! the bait rod helped me do it!
catch more fish, bigger fish with live bait caught on Sabiki bait sticks!!!