View Full Version : off shore sat & sun

bunker dunker
09-12-2016, 10:30 AM
left the dock at 7am saturday headed for the canyons.got to the first set of
pots around noon and started catching mahi right away.i had a 6oz hammered jig i was throwing hoping on something a little bigger.i was fishing port side as all the other peeps were on the starboard side.first couple of pots i boated 4
mahi and had a few come off as i was swinging them.on the 4th pot i flip the jig and let it sink a bit.start jigging it and get hammered.rod loads up line is coming off the reel.after a very short battle the fish spits the jig.i reel the jig up to find the
leader all chaffed up.it was chaffed up 4ft above the jig so we guessed probably
some kind of bill fish.we move up to a new set of pots,change the leader out and flip the jig again.this time as the jig is sinking something grabs it.i lock the reel in
and set the hook.i come tight for about 5 seconds and nothing.reel the jig up to
find the leader shredded and the 67 has teeth marks in it.i could not believe by the looks of the leader that i even got the jig back.now i am 0 for 2 and can see were i am headed.i jig a few more mahi and we head to the tuna grounds around 5pm.capt and anchor us up and i start jigging again.nothing for the first few hours then i hear 'fish on" then i hear it again.then there is like 4 fish on steady for the next hour.all skippies and yellowfin.i am getting smacked but not connecting.i reel in and check everything but all is fine.i flip out again and start jigging get hit set the hook and its game on.at first i thought tuna then the fish started to fight a little different.15 minutes later i get this 7ft shark up to the lights.can you belive it,i could not hook any thing but
i could jig a shark.thank the good Lord the jig pulled right at the top of the water.the bite died down around 10-10:30pm. i am still jigging away when i here "fish on" again.i see the guy fighting the fish and this thing is dragging him all over the place.this gose on for about 10 minutes then i see one of the mates fighting the fish.this fish has him around the boat up and over the bow spread 2x and this thing is still pulling.30 minutes gose by and now the other mate has the rod and the ring around the boat continues. the whole boat is wide awake watching this fight.finally after a 55 minute battle the mates pull
this giant swordfish thru the stern door.i think is was 72 inches from the fork to its bottom jaw.what a fish.the peep that hooked it kept half the fish and gave all the other peeps a few steaks to take home.i think we ended with 12-16 tuna,a bunch of skippies, 1 sword fish and a load of mahi.all and all
a good trip.going to head out again on friday.

09-12-2016, 11:18 AM
nice report

Short Cast
09-12-2016, 12:23 PM
how big were the tuna. going tomorrow.

Hunter 2
09-12-2016, 12:25 PM
Nice report, I'm heading out this weekend if the weathers good..

bunker dunker
09-12-2016, 12:43 PM
no real big ones maybe 25-40lbs.

09-12-2016, 12:46 PM
Nice going BD!! :D:D

09-12-2016, 02:40 PM
nice work handsome!

Gerry Zagorski
09-12-2016, 03:58 PM
Great report... Crazy fish hitting jigs this year....

bunker dunker
09-12-2016, 04:43 PM
yes it sure is Gerry.i have jigged all kinds of fish but a shark,that is crazy.i have
seen mako trash trolled lures but never saw a shark eat a jig.

09-12-2016, 05:48 PM
Jigs deep by the pots could be wahoo. But you usually dont get the jig back!

Pennsy Guy
09-12-2016, 06:31 PM
Very nice report. Perchance 1 or 2 hits were "hoo's? and a shark on the jig, think that might be a first.

09-12-2016, 07:04 PM
I dunno I've caught like 3000 philly makos on jigs :p

09-12-2016, 08:01 PM
Thanks BD for all your Great details! Most folks have no idea how it is to jig for hours for tuna, it's a mind set that one will get bit even though no machine is going beep beep like you hear on Wicked Tuna. lol I bet your son gets more hookups than most doing that boring job of his at times. But I do thank him, Dan, Dave n the other mates for that. If one has to ask what I mean by that than you don't fish on PB's for tuna.
I'm heading out tomorrow with as much enthusiasm as you did on Saturday! Good or bad, you'll hear from me. Dennis

09-12-2016, 09:18 PM
So Ed, you jigged up a shark and shut the bite down? Nice going. :)

Good trip.

Master Baiter
09-12-2016, 10:29 PM
just got my new boat. its a 28 rampage. looking to go out. where did you fish

bunker dunker
09-13-2016, 07:17 AM
thanks Dennis and they all had great things to say about you.the nick name you gave Chris is too funny.i waited till the rail thinned out and when he walked by me i called that name.he froze up like a deer in the head lights.{lol}
Steve,thanks allot. like i didn't hear that enough all night!!!!
going again friday to try to get the tuna skunk off my back.

Jimmy in Point Beach
09-13-2016, 09:20 PM
Way to go Ed. Thank you for the great report. Tight lines Buddy!!!!

09-13-2016, 10:08 PM
great report, thinking the same thing wahoo maybe.......

09-15-2016, 10:45 AM
thanks Dennis and they all had great things to say about you.the nick name you gave Chris is too funny.i waited till the rail thinned out and when he walked by me i called that name.he froze up like a deer in the head lights.{lol}
Steve,thanks allot. like i didn't hear that enough all night!!!!
going again friday to try to get the tuna skunk off my back.

I came back yesterday, it was great trip if you wanted Mahi. ( Chris was at the fillet table for hours!! )
I stopped fishing for them n started jigging at 120 feet and hooked up to a Jumbo White Marline that probably would have taken the money at the WMO but the Damn fish would not stop jumping!!!! Lol After about 3 minutes it got its freedom. It chafed my 80 leader to pieces n also took a favorite jig. That's 2 favorite jigs I lost to fish in 2 weeks! I also caught my smallest YFT of my life jigging it was about 12 inches!! No BS! I could have flatlined it but instead I release it. Lol Two trips so far n I caught tuna on both. lol Dennis

bunker dunker
09-15-2016, 12:21 PM
sounds like you had a fun trip anyway.yes if we could keep them white in the water they would be allot easier to land.how was the waster Den,clean??you lost 2 jigs and I have a jig that looks like it was run over by a tank and no good fish to show{lol].

09-15-2016, 12:28 PM
Dennis...you mention favorite jigs. I have a shimano "squid glow" color jig that has very little factory finish left on it and it out fishes any other jigs I have. I've done my best to try to figure out why it does better than a brand new jig but I can't figure out why. Identical weight, shape, rigging, color but that old, hardly identifiable jig still catches better. I'd love to try to analyze it's action somehow. We all have "favorite jigs" but WHY?

09-15-2016, 07:23 PM
sounds like you had a fun trip anyway.yes if we could keep them white in the water they would be allot easier to land.how was the waster Den,clean??you lost 2 jigs and I have a jig that looks like it was run over by a tank and no good fish to show{lol].

Water was Blue! A jig that looks beat-up is the One to use, my 2 oldies are gone....I have to start over! Good Luck! Dennis

09-15-2016, 07:31 PM
Dennis...you mention favorite jigs. I have a shimano "squid glow" color jig that has very little factory finish left on it and it out fishes any other jigs I have. I've done my best to try to figure out why it does better than a brand new jig but I can't figure out why. Identical weight, shape, rigging, color but that old, hardly identifiable jig still catches better. I'd love to try to analyze it's action somehow. We all have "favorite jigs" but WHY?

My belief is "I/you have to believe in it". Now I have to start all over again..... Just like in knots, hmm, it doesn't look right and u still fish with it, and then the right fish comes along, you know the outcome. You have to Believe in it.Dennis