Joey Tomato
09-11-2016, 12:53 PM
I will not be doing Open Boats or Charters from the 12th of Sept till the 22nd of September. I am going to do some personal fishing trips and get some work done on the boat. That just gives us 4 days of Fluke fishing left when I get back. I have an open boat booked for the last day of Fluke fishing the 25th. of September but there are 2 spots open on that trip. If your interested in booking any trips go to my web site joeytomato' or go on my face book page on that site. When I start up again I will be booking wreck fishing for ling, cod. Also fishing for Porgies. I have found the small blues and I am sure the large ones will be here soon. Mahi should be around with albacore and Bonita, for some fun fishing. Also start thinking about booking your Stripe Bass trips. I will be doing both early morning and evening trips and full day trips. Tuna fishing is not done, I will be doing trips with groups of 4 in fair weather openings. Please go to the web site for full price details. or call 732-684-8739. Captain Joe