View Full Version : Anchor Chain Opinions

09-04-2016, 01:59 PM
I'm embarrassed to admit new boat does not have any anchor chain and just realized it.
So 25ft walkaround with 2ft of swim deck and single 250 Merc. I rarely will have more than 4 on boat with rare max of 8 people. Mostly fishing through October and occasional family river expeditions. Possible overnights in the river.

How many feet of chain recommended off bow?
How many feet of chain off stern?
What size chain off bow?
what size chain off stern?
Stainless, galvanized, or ?
Recommendation on chain to rope connection?

Also recommendations on stern anchor style and weight?


09-05-2016, 09:38 AM
Anybody, looking to take care of this quickly and what I have researched was no help because of vastly different recommendations.

09-05-2016, 02:19 PM
OK can anyone just agree or disagree to this thought:

How many feet of chain recommended off bow? 2 sections 7ft each, connected when 14ft needed.

How many feet of chain off stern? 2 sections 5ft each, connected when needed

What size chain off bow? 3/8

what size chain off stern? 1/4

Stainless, galvanized, or ? Stainless

09-05-2016, 03:23 PM
I have a 2320 Parker.
For the bow, I have 2 - 7' sections of 1/4" galvanized chain. I may put in an additional length of chain.
If/when I use a stern line, it's usually a wreck anchor so I use only 1 - 7' length of 1/4" galvanized chain.
All connections are galvanized shackles.

If you look on the West Marine Website, you'll find a very informative article on "Selecting an Anchor Rode".

09-05-2016, 05:24 PM
Thank you so much!

Capt. Debbie
09-06-2016, 11:25 AM
There a book Seamanship Secrets by John Jamieson that describing rigging all boats.

Jamieson recommends that it be 3/4 of boat length. 20 foot boat is 15' of chain.

The more chain used, the less scope (line to pay out) is needed.

And DONT BUY heavy anchor line ( e.g. 5/8"). The anchor can not hold anywhere near that breaking strength (5/8 inch is about 12,000 lbs). It takes up too much room ( less line in the locker) and gets you less ( more $, less line, no better than 3/8" line(breaking strength 4,000 lbs). And 8 pound Danforth anchor gives you at best- 800lbs holding power

Your anchor that size gives you a hundreds of pound holding power in the best of bottoms. So why buy line with 12,000 lb breaking point line. It's ignorance and waste of money and waste of anchor locker space.