View Full Version : Your boat- To pull or not to pull?

09-04-2016, 06:42 AM
I'm in AH Marina. It was a no brainier for me. That marina takes a beating in NE or E winds.

What did you decide to do and why?

Man Workin
09-04-2016, 07:37 AM
Staying in in Shark River, have the floating docks and tide minders.

Gerry Zagorski
09-04-2016, 07:39 AM
Leonardo and staying in....

During Sandy we were up on the hard in a boat yard and wound up in a pile of other boats. My buddy Bill stayed in and he was fine.

Just posted something here that others might be interested in on this same subject http://www.njfishing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=91841

How exposed your marina is to wind and the seas is a key factor in the decision as well as your dock situation... Being exposed to pounding waves stresses lines and docks and in turn your boat. In general floating docks seem to fare better as they rise and fall with the water levels as long as they don't float up and over the pilings.

Irish Jigger
09-04-2016, 07:51 AM
Stayed in at Atlantic. Been monitoring this storm every hour like everyone else. Doubled up all lines and put on the bumpers.

09-04-2016, 07:51 AM
Shark River
Pulled the boat, as it was a perfect time to get caught up on maintenance .
changed the internal zincs, oil, and lower unit oil in both motors yesterday.
Power washed the little bit of slime off the bottom as well as some growth on the trim tabs.

Going to change out my hydraulic steering hoses. repurg the system, and will be in tip top shape for the fall fishery .

good use of unfishable weather


Mikey topaz
09-04-2016, 08:21 AM
Headed down to boat in a few gonna ride it out down there on the boat, stay safe guys!

09-04-2016, 12:26 PM
I put a lift in my slip - dont have to worry about lines, bottom paint, flood tides, bilge, zincs, etc.

09-04-2016, 01:58 PM
Shark River
Pulled the boat, as it was a perfect time to get caught up on maintenance .
changed the internal zincs, oil, and lower unit oil in both motors yesterday.
Power washed the little bit of slime off the bottom as well as some growth on the trim tabs.

Going to change out my hydraulic steering hoses. repurg the system, and will be in tip top shape for the fall fishery .

good use of unfishable weather


Good points Dan....Glad I hauled or I never would have found the Key on my prop just about gone, it was about to throw the prop or worse, snap the shaft! The nuts had loosened up to the point where I knew something was wrong and figured it was Line around the Shaft. We also got rid of the Braid that was eating at the bearings and shaft...So yes, it was the right move.....A good Hull scrubbing, a little touch up and we are ready for Fall!
Stay in School kids!!!

09-04-2016, 02:21 PM
Pull out or don't pull out
Men have struggled with that decision since the beginning of time


Irish Jigger
09-04-2016, 03:06 PM
High tide in Atlantic this am was only about a foot above normal. ENE winds 15 to maybe 20. Break wall was still well above water and it was very sunny with a lot of people in the harbor enjoying the weather. Still think the worst is yet to come. Was in Leonardo as well bsing with Mikey Topaz no wind or tide issues there at 11 am as well.

09-04-2016, 03:22 PM
Staying in.

09-04-2016, 07:51 PM
When sandy hit and i was working on Papas Angels we pulled the boat and put it on the rack. After the storm it ended up on the other side of a bridge parked in between two pilings. Few bumps a scratches but other wise ok. The boats that stayed in seemed in the same marina weathered the storm pretty good. Lost all the floating docks to get to the boats but they were about the same amount of damage. Another boat there {wont mention any names} was on a rack and he thought it was a good idea to ratchet strap his boat to the rack and lets just say the boat stayed there but ended up with so much water damage due to the fact that the water went over the boat and in stead of it just floating off the rack like everyone elses did his sank then re sank over and over with the tides. :D