View Full Version : Late report Wednesday Hudson

09-03-2016, 10:48 PM
Left Leonardo at 130am after loading the live well with peanuts. Was much bumpier than expected and could only average about 18knts for the majority of the ride. Got to the not so secret spot much later than I had hoped. Trolling around the fleet for about an hour or so looking for mr bigeye. No such luck. Got set up on the chunk around 9am we had our first taker 20 min later. We don't clear the lines and loose this one after about an hour of chaos. 4 lines tangled, then hand-line, miss with the gaff, then tangle in the motor, then cut and re tie, then I reel the snap swivel into the tip, miss with the gaff, and bye bye yellow fin. What a cluster F. Oh well live and learn.
We still managed 2 nice fish by the end of the day even after hearing radio chatter that we missed the bite they had earlier. We heard fish were caught on poppers and jigs but no love for us there. I think the live bait saved the day for us. Ride home was much better at 30knots.

Pennsy Guy
09-03-2016, 11:41 PM
Have had a couple of trips like that--when things go bad, it seems to snowball--but you did come home with steaks for dinner and beyond so it was a good trip....nice....

Gerry Zagorski
09-04-2016, 06:15 AM
A least you got out and a few Tuna for the table Loose.... Sounds like you clocked in some hours too. That "not so secret spot" is a long run from our Marina.

Hope this storm shakes things up out there and we don't have any issues at the Marina. I might take a run down there to check the lines later tonight.

If you want me to check in on your boat, PM me with your slip number and phone number.

09-04-2016, 09:01 AM
I appreciate the offer Gerry but I trailer my boat and is sitting safely on the side of my house after having the large tree next to it cut down last winter. But thanks again. Looks like the storm is already blowing out to sea earlier than expected.

Gerry Zagorski
09-04-2016, 10:06 AM
My pleasure Loose. Yep looks like it's headed east but they still seem to think it might come back west a bit. We shall see..

Good luck to all.