09-02-2016, 07:25 PM
Thursday we had a great group of guys from MD out for some lingin. Left for the grounds early and left the rain at the dock, only had a shower for about an hour out there. The weather was near perfect-flat seas, overcast and comfortable. Hit the grounds and tried drifting but the current was too strong and the guys couldnt hold. Put out 1 anchor which made it a little better but the poor conditions kept shifting us off. We finally pushed the issue and put out 2, but they were slack the whole day, we were dealing with a breeze against current which kept changing. The conditions were much like the fishing - FRUSTRATING! We worked a lot of pieces and even read the fish but they just wouldnt cooperate, and didnt have a swell either. We did catch a HUGE ray, well actually 3 guys did. Had no idea what it was the entire way up, and also caught a huge part of the wreck which confirmed the one wreck is wooden. Otherwise pretty sucky. The guys managed some ling, a 12+lb cod, and 5 nice flounder.
This was our last trip until next weekend with the hurricane/tropical storm keeping us at dock which will give us time to do some maintenance until the boat gets hauled in February. We do have a couple spots open NEXT SAT for fluke, sunday is booked. We have also been getting a lot of bookings for this fall blackfishing so you can give us a call to start booking your trip.
This was our last trip until next weekend with the hurricane/tropical storm keeping us at dock which will give us time to do some maintenance until the boat gets hauled in February. We do have a couple spots open NEXT SAT for fluke, sunday is booked. We have also been getting a lot of bookings for this fall blackfishing so you can give us a call to start booking your trip.