jenny lee sportfishing
09-02-2016, 05:42 PM
Friday, September 2. 2016
open boat 8/31/16 now great friends ('s kevin gerrity and dave bender hosted an open boat trip 8/31/16 john and stve from ct
todd and bryson from pennington, and big ben from nyc/point beach
we did the day chunk thing and landed 12 fat yellowfins to 70 pounds including up till about 930 pm.
we lost a few here and there, but the guys went home with more than they can eat.
this gruop were strangers before the trip, but i have a feeling they will fish together again.
the fish are here and now the hurricance hermine is in the mix, what a shame. hopefuly we, will be back at it late next week.
Posted by jenny_lee ( at 14:33 ( | Edit entry ([action]=admin&serendipity[adminModule]=entries&serendipity[adminAction]=edit&serendipity[id]=258)
open boat 8/31/16 now great friends ('s kevin gerrity and dave bender hosted an open boat trip 8/31/16 john and stve from ct
todd and bryson from pennington, and big ben from nyc/point beach
we did the day chunk thing and landed 12 fat yellowfins to 70 pounds including up till about 930 pm.
we lost a few here and there, but the guys went home with more than they can eat.
this gruop were strangers before the trip, but i have a feeling they will fish together again.
the fish are here and now the hurricance hermine is in the mix, what a shame. hopefuly we, will be back at it late next week.
Posted by jenny_lee ( at 14:33 ( | Edit entry ([action]=admin&serendipity[adminModule]=entries&serendipity[adminAction]=edit&serendipity[id]=258)