View Full Version : "Professional" Charter Boat Captain...

08-29-2016, 02:15 PM
Pulled right up and short drifted us (the only NS party boat in AH) yesterday morning. Drifted in very close two times, backed off 50-60 feet in the exact opposite direction of his drift so just minutes later he was right on top of us again. Best part is he did the same exact thing to us earlier in the year. This googan is a clown for short drifting a party boat in the first place but being a charter boat captain and doing this is absolutely unprofessional and just rude.
Take a good look at the pic. You could practically shake hands with his customers. (the cell phone picture doesn't do it justice. He was effing close) The first day he did it I let it go. The second time gets him this. One more time and I copy the link to this googans web page in this forum.

08-29-2016, 04:00 PM
we had a different charter boat from NY do this crap to us sunday. I went right to his facebook page and let him know he has no class. give me a break, you want to drift the same area cause you're not catching crap, fine...but to cut the guys that are already there off over and over and get that close, these guys need to get some class.

Capt. Debbie
08-29-2016, 04:16 PM
See that all the time. The leech boat captain says someone is on HIS spot to his fares.

Reality is ... he has no spots. Just an idiot looking to glom off someone else's work.

And it will continue to happen.

Remember "professional" simply means he got paid by someone else . That's all...

Reel Class
08-29-2016, 04:50 PM
Pulled right up and short drifted us (the only NS party boat in AH) yesterday morning. Drifted in very close two times, backed off 50-60 feet in the exact opposite direction of his drift so just minutes later he was right on top of us again. Best part is he did the same exact thing to us earlier in the year. This googan is a clown for short drifting a party boat in the first place but being a charter boat captain and doing this is absolutely unprofessional and just rude.
Take a good look at the pic. You could practically shake hands with his customers. (the cell phone picture doesn't do it justice. He was effing close) The first day he did it I let it go. The second time gets him this. One more time and I copy the link to this googans web page in this forum.

Did you take it up with the captain of the boat? Are you the captain of this party boat?

Posting this here DOES NO GOOD FOR ANYONE - I'd really consider taking this down.

08-29-2016, 05:22 PM
Did you take it up with the captain of the boat? Are you the captain of this party boat?

Posting this here DOES NO GOOD FOR ANYONE - I'd really consider taking this down.

I am the mate. I called the Captain on his phone while he was short drifting us and asked him to stop doing it saying it was rude and that he was an a**hole for doing to us for a second time. A SECOND TIME. He's a repeat offender that's why I called him and that's why I posted this. It's not a one time deal. Like I said he already did it once and I shook my head in disgust but I let it go. I couldn't abide another classless move like that.
I think this does do some good. If people know there will be consequences for stupidity then maybe they will think twice about pulling a no class move like short drifting. Hopefully this guy gets wind of this post and realizes what he did was totally wrong.

Fish Stix
08-29-2016, 05:28 PM
ALL short drifters should be punished.

08-29-2016, 05:35 PM

In the pic I see a six pack not a head boat in the background?

Reel Class
08-29-2016, 06:36 PM
I am the mate. I called the Captain on his phone while he was short drifting us and asked him to stop doing it saying it was rude and that he was an a**hole for doing to us for a second time. A SECOND TIME. He's a repeat offender that's why I called him and that's why I posted this. It's not a one time deal. Like I said he already did it once and I shook my head in disgust but I let it go. I couldn't abide another classless move like that.
I think this does do some good. If people know there will be consequences for stupidity then maybe they will think twice about pulling a no class move like short drifting. Hopefully this guy gets wind of this post and realizes what he did was totally wrong.

Thanks for clarification. NOW I get it! You should've posted this in the original!

08-29-2016, 07:08 PM
Don't you hate that Sh** On Friday, I went to a spot that my friend gave me a heads up on, and we were the 3rd boat in the area. We started banging fluke, and trying not to show it, but had 2 double headers, and got seen netting those big boys/girls. Don't you know, when we set up for another drift on the same position, not one, but two (2) guys short drifted on us, but at least they were 50 yards away, so we had a shot. Sunday, we fished the Manasquan, and got the same thing 5 times by the same boat, but it was thick in that area, so I just moved.
Thank you, God, for making me old, and giving me the patience I didn't have as a young man. I would have lost more 2 Oz. sinkers
One day, a couple years ago, I was drifting over a sea bass honey hole/rock pile, and didn't anchor up as my back was hurting, and I was alone. along comes a charter out of Belmar, and short drifts me, and drops his anchor. I got next to him and asked why he watched me drift over that rock pile 5 times, and then came in and killed it for me. The Captain came out and said I should have dropped my anchor. ...........Hope you never get old, Dirt Bag.
Wonder if that guy ever came in to pull another boat to the side when he was in trouble, or gave a kayaker a line to get across the channel and out of harms way.

Be courteous, my brothers. because what goes around, comes around.......Papa Catch 'em up.

08-29-2016, 08:15 PM

08-29-2016, 11:06 PM
I don't get it! There are so many great places to fish right now why do this? I also bet he got the #'s !!

Capt Sal
08-30-2016, 11:19 AM
Did you take it up with the captain of the boat? Are you the captain of this party boat?

Posting this here DOES NO GOOD FOR ANYONE - I'd really consider taking this down.

That is your opinion and only yours.You post the same thing when someone has a complaint every time.

Capt Joe
08-30-2016, 12:27 PM
Dont take this thread down, its the best laugh I've had all week! :D:D:D

08-30-2016, 12:48 PM
Take a good look at the pic. You could practically shake hands with his customers.

Ok. I'm not arguing your point. But he's not "shake hands" or even close to that distance in the picture YOU asked everyone to use as a reference.

Would have liked to seen the "shake hands" picture if there was one. Picture "not doing it justice" sure, but it's still not shake hands close. Stinks you got mugged up. Grab that better picture next time though.

08-30-2016, 02:21 PM
Ok. I'm not arguing your point. But he's not "shake hands" or even close to that distance in the picture YOU asked everyone to use as a reference.

Would have liked to seen the "shake hands" picture if there was one. Picture "not doing it justice" sure, but it's still not shake hands close. Stinks you got mugged up. Grab that better picture next time though.

Could I literally shake their hands? No, of course not. It's called hyperbole, dude.
They were WAY too effing close. I'd estimate 50 to 60 feet in the photo that I posted.

08-30-2016, 02:35 PM
Exaggeration is another literary term.

I have had people close enough to shake their hands in a similar scenario, however.

Good luck and catch them up.

08-30-2016, 04:34 PM
You have to call people like his out publicly or they literally don't think they've done anything wrong. Get them thinking twice about acting like jerks maybe, it's all you can do. Not worth an altercation out there. If it was the school yard we could give them a swirly I guess haha.

08-30-2016, 05:27 PM
Funny I had this same senrio last year with a local head boat and I knew the Capt and I understood that he has to catch em and could not blame him that if he stayed 100 yards from us it was a notta catch but we were ok sharing the patch of fish, share and share a like we are all in it for the same purpose when the bite sucks

08-30-2016, 05:53 PM
Post his boat anyway. Then we be sure not to use him. Or throw some M80's his way.

08-30-2016, 08:11 PM
You should post the boat name we all know it's a black fin it will be bad advertisement for the sponsors that have black fins!!

Fin Reaper
08-31-2016, 09:49 PM
Given the size of the boats involved and the number of people on them 50' seems too close to be safe. Was Cod fishing a few years back and saw what happens when two boats get too close, it was freaking ugly

Reel Class
09-01-2016, 05:38 AM
That is your opinion and only yours.You post the same thing when someone has a complaint every time.

Sal, did you read my response to JBird after he responded to me?

Joey Dah Fish
09-01-2016, 07:59 AM
I can't believe this is still going. Clear sign fishing has dropped off. We want fishing reports not bitching reports

Boston Pete
09-01-2016, 09:06 AM
Joey, I agree...I can't believe this got so much play. This shit happens all the time. I really thought most people would tell this dude to stop his whining... man was I wrong hahaha

- Either on my boat or others I fish on I've been bumped or circled off while blackfishing.
-Had party boats drop an anchor over ours
- Had a Bklyn PB pass within feet of us after he pulled his anchor after we released a few 8-10 lb blackfish.
- Had a boat anchor so close when the tide turned we COULD shake hands with the guys in the stern.
- I was also on a PB (sponsor here) where the capt went nuts over the loudspeaker on 2 guys fishing "his spot", said they stole this spot while they were on his boat the week before...he cursed these dudes like they robbed his house....it was crazy, there were kids on his boat but he didn't care, he lost his mind.

Gerry Zagorski
09-01-2016, 10:31 AM
Yep closing this since it's starting to go down hill in a hurry