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View Full Version : keyport seahawk - fluke and seabass window with some classic douchebaggery

08-29-2016, 02:05 AM
The morning couldn't have been any slower...I think by 11am we had messed with some small blues and hickery shad at the hook for a little and caught about 4-5 short fluke since 6am!

Thankfully either with the tide change and/or air pressure about to dip a pretty nice window opened up for some aggressive seabass and fluke action in 50-55' waters. I grabbed my light spinner and jigged up plenty of nice seabass that were absolutely crushing the homemade crippled herring type lures I had and they were also pretty nuts on pink gulp and squid skirts.

We forgot about the fluke for a bit then went back to bucktailing realizing they fluke may have turned on too. sure enough they were very aggressive and it was pretty much drop and reel fishing.

Unfortunately we had a charter boat out of NY watching us about 50 yards away catching nothing so obviously they did the only logical thing and lined up directly in our drift to get in on the action...ok fine...so we get to the end of the drift and go to loop back around to rotate back in and this guy quickly has his group pull up so he can cut the drift short and zip in front of us and cut us off. classic douchbaggery at it's finest. It's pretty sad a charter captain has to hijack a good spot but the quick pull up cut off was just plain an ahole move. going to hope karma catches up to him i guess although i would've liked to peg a searobin carcass at his windshield.

we were able to nab 2 nice keeper fluke in the mess of shorts before the miss beryl showed up.

08-29-2016, 07:19 AM
No pics of the douchebag in question??

08-29-2016, 04:04 PM
no, we tried to just fish around him but it's pretty frustrating when they're so blatant about it. I went right to his facebook page and let him know he has no class. the best part is, after looking at his report for the day, they had A LOT of nice fluke...had a great day. yet had to jack our little drift that we had that we were using to salvage our day. I almost tried to give the guy the benefit of doubt (thinking maybe he had an awful morning too and had to get some fluke for his paying customers...nope, he was just a greedy piece of garbage.

Capt. Rick
08-30-2016, 10:23 AM
Not sure why I am wasting my time responding to this, but when someone try to trash my business, I get pissed off. Crispy, Where were you Saturday afternoon when we were fishing the exact same numbers and crushing big fish? Ask yourself this, do you really think a professional charter boat captain would take a 20 mile ride from his inlet just to see you catch a fish and hijack your drift? You must really have a high opinion of yourself. Reality is we were working the same set of numbers from the day before and from many previous trips. I do not need to steal anyone's spot I have more spots than I can ever fish in my lifetime. I am ALWAYS going to do my best to put my fares over a bite and If I know there are nice fluke in an area, I am coming, and I will be FISHING IT HARD. This is fluking. Guys like you really make me laugh, my phone number is public, but instead of calling me on the phone, you take your gripe to facebook and fishing websites with the intention of bashing somebodies livelihood and brag about how you did that. Yes, Miss Beryl is the boat and we fish HARD and always will. Have a nice day Crispy.

Capt. Debbie
08-30-2016, 10:34 AM
A good spot is a good spot. Some know. Some will cheat to get it or just use it next time.

This crap has been around for decades if not centuries.

Question posed... Did he jump MY spot, or did I beat him to HIS spot?

Usually you can tell the spot thieves as the price tags are still attached to the fishing rods while they fish. LOL

Not sure why I am wasting my time responding to this, but when someone try to trash my business, I get pissed off. Crispy, Where were you Saturday afternoon when we were fishing the exact same numbers and crushing big fish? Ask yourself this, do you really think a professional charter boat captain would take a 20 mile ride from his inlet just to see you catch a fish and hijack your drift? You must really have a high opinion of yourself. Reality is we were working the same set of numbers from the day before and from many previous trips. I do not need to steal anyone's spot I have more spots than I can ever fish in my lifetime. I am ALWAYS going to do my best to put my fares over a bite and If I know there are nice fluke in an area, I am coming, and I will be FISHING IT HARD. This is fluking. Guys like you really make me laugh, my phone number is public, but instead of calling me on the phone, you take your gripe to facebook and fishing websites with the intention of bashing somebodies livelihood and brag about how you did that. Yes, Miss Beryl is the boat and we fish HARD and always will. Have a nice day Crispy.

08-30-2016, 12:48 PM
When you line yourself up with us that's fine. When you have your group pull up early, and zip in front of us as we go to rotate back in, that's when you lose all my respect. And if you don't think other fishermen deserve to know this then don't do it and you won't have to worry about it. You came within 20 ft of us once cutting us off.

This isn't about stealing a spot, don't put words in my mouth. This is about you cutting in front of other boats to cut off the start of the drift instead of just rotating in like someone with class.

I've dealt with enough high horse people like you to know that anyone that would pull this crap isn't worth talking to out there. So yeah, I'm going to let the fishing community know what you did and like I said if you don't like the truth then think about your actions before you act.

Capt. Rick
08-30-2016, 02:10 PM
Crispy, I tire of this. But you say things that are not true and therefore I must defend myself. You said I hijacked a good spot inferring I stole the drop. Not true. You said I was 20 feet from your boat. Untrue, I would never get that close to another vessel and put my boat/crew or another boat in danger of collision. I am done with this.

08-30-2016, 04:29 PM
Yeah right. I've been posting fresh and salt reports on here for two years, but this time, for the first time, I decided to call out a random boat for doing something that they didn't really do. You must take everyone on this site for a moron right?

I have to ask, did you register here just to feed everyone your bs, or have you been a long time leech off of the plethora of information here never giving back a damn thing since this is your first post?

Maybe you'll think twice about pulling those bully fluke maneuvers on someone else next time. If this post saves even one other njf member from putting up with your dbag tactics then it's worth the couple of minutes it's taken me to call you out publicly.

08-30-2016, 06:05 PM
Capt Rick, I'm sure most Charter Capt have their own numbers but they should never short drift another boat just. " TO GET THEIR FARES SOME FISH". It's unethical.

Gerry Says : No need for name calling here... I edited it out of your post.