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View Full Version : Mad gaffer Bottom fishing trip Thursday 8/25

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
08-25-2016, 04:53 PM
We had another excellent bottom fishing trip with porgies and Seabass. We would have like to fish for flute today, but by the time we got to porgies the wind had started blowing out of the south, and we just stayed with the bottom fishing, our next open day is tomorrow Friday, with plenty of spots available. We will be mixing up the day between bottom fish, and hoping to catch some more of those jumbo fluke. Call for information and reservations Due to the unfortunate passing of my dear friend Abe Beren, And accountant , I am unfortunately in need of an accountant. If anyone who does this type of work would like to barter services please contact me

08-26-2016, 02:57 PM
I just fished with Abe several weeks ago. Very sad, such a nice guy.