View Full Version : FISH STIX - Fluke Reports - Jersey Jumbos!

Fish Stix
08-22-2016, 08:05 AM
Wednesday 8/17 we had Toms charter for fluke.. Did a couple drifts but the win was cranking. Decided to make it a fun day instead of a hack, and brought them porgy fishing. Caught some short fluke and 2 nice keepers, then boxed up over 150 porgies.
http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/73E144D0-D727-4AA2-85AD-4924D872AB06_zpsqhj2ohg3.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/73E144D0-D727-4AA2-85AD-4924D872AB06_zpsqhj2ohg3.jpg.html)

Thursday 8/18 open boat for fluke. A better day but they still had to grind it out all day to put a decent catch together. They finished just 2 shy of their limit on the day.
http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/F32D34A4-399B-4F88-ABCE-226D47625915_zpsgod1eab6.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/F32D34A4-399B-4F88-ABCE-226D47625915_zpsgod1eab6.jpg.html)

Friday 8/19 we had Bills charter for Vic's bachelor party. Well I was thinking beers beers party beers.... THESE GUYS CAME TO FISH! Only 2 legit bucktailers on the day, but EVERYONE caught fish! Vic was HH with 8 himself. They fished hard all day and boxed up just a couple short of their limit!
http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/0594EE63-2AF8-4254-8438-9E6ACC389C53_zpslkpjbeat.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/0594EE63-2AF8-4254-8438-9E6ACC389C53_zpslkpjbeat.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/2E853517-A7E0-4803-B541-A4F04C1FD740_zpskv2mj7uw.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/2E853517-A7E0-4803-B541-A4F04C1FD740_zpskv2mj7uw.jpg.html)

**Saturday 8/20 a trip to remember for long time regular Dan English and his usuals. Let's just say, these guys were due! Here's the report: started off the day where we have been catching some fish but just didn't see the life at all, not sure why but we didn't. Caugh a couple keepers and just a few shorts. Took a ride and we were all alone. First drift, a couple bites and they missed and dropped a ton. Second drift was GAME ON. We basically boxed up their limit in just a few drifts. One drift had 14 keepers. Best day of the year. Maybe the best day of fluke I've ever seen. In the end: we had countless fish from 3-6lbs, a half a dozen 7lb, 2 or 3 8lbs, a 9lb, a 10.5lb, 11lb and a 12lb! All in one trip. Epic day of fluking to say the least. True JERSEY JUMBO FLUKE. The guys decided their 30 fish were plenty so we headed in around 12:30pm.
http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/E3A05200-1432-4F41-BAF7-949C4A78E466_zpsffyyaol7.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/E3A05200-1432-4F41-BAF7-949C4A78E466_zpsffyyaol7.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/66A5B876-5DDC-4ACF-8298-2934ACF9D901_zpstpblom9p.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/66A5B876-5DDC-4ACF-8298-2934ACF9D901_zpstpblom9p.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/8FCFCDFA-1E81-497E-91EF-1D1552231B1D_zpsyhjq3oq3.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/8FCFCDFA-1E81-497E-91EF-1D1552231B1D_zpsyhjq3oq3.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/34E0CF9A-2810-45F5-8EBA-171D2D62C506_zpsxkf0plcz.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/34E0CF9A-2810-45F5-8EBA-171D2D62C506_zpsxkf0plcz.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/D4CDC1A0-A0E2-49EE-9ECA-532328CF8D14_zpsnhz1nejj.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/D4CDC1A0-A0E2-49EE-9ECA-532328CF8D14_zpsnhz1nejj.jpg.html)

Sunday 8/21 we had Marks charter from Vermont. First time flukers. Well, let's just say the ocean was not very nice and the conditions were even worse! Not. Good start for the guys. Headed back to the land of the Giants and the life just plain ol sucked. Bounced around here and there where we've caught all week and was pretty lifeless. Called the day real early cuz it just wasn't worth it. They finished up with catching not many shorts, 8 keepers and a keeper seabass.
http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/DFBCE52D-499B-4571-9137-27CB4A33FB08_zps9aoiips8.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/DFBCE52D-499B-4571-9137-27CB4A33FB08_zps9aoiips8.jpg.html)

Monday 8/22 - cancelled.

Fish Stix
08-22-2016, 08:07 AM
Couple more pics....

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/7500231C-A322-4FB1-8679-3F37A7767C6C_zpsi2vblhtc.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/7500231C-A322-4FB1-8679-3F37A7767C6C_zpsi2vblhtc.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/C59B0199-A846-4BDA-8773-6A573EE4E93C_zpsef2tvjbb.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/C59B0199-A846-4BDA-8773-6A573EE4E93C_zpsef2tvjbb.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/E00B804A-6AEA-4185-B1CB-17E7E371D98B_zpsj1irdgb8.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/E00B804A-6AEA-4185-B1CB-17E7E371D98B_zpsj1irdgb8.jpg.html)

http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/B9BA823B-41ED-40C2-B4CE-0D8C17D5B843_zpsdsfkbsxo.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/B9BA823B-41ED-40C2-B4CE-0D8C17D5B843_zpsdsfkbsxo.jpg.html)

08-22-2016, 09:56 AM
WOW!!! Saturday's trip sounds AMAZING!! I'll be coming out again soon

08-22-2016, 10:40 AM
Congrats again on a great catch of a lifetime on Saturday Kris, that is epic NJ fluking at its best. Great job!!

Tuna Tales
08-22-2016, 12:01 PM
Very nice catch!


Joe T.

Fish Stix
08-23-2016, 08:39 PM
Thanks guys. Saturday was one hell of a trip for those boys. They deserved it. Fishing had been pretty good and there are some big lunkers are around!

08-24-2016, 06:43 AM
That catch you had on Saturday was legendary, however that sure looks like a mutilated fluke hanging off his rig....