View Full Version : Prowler5 - Thurs., Aug. 18th, Fluke Report

Prowler 5
08-18-2016, 03:44 PM
Hey gang, we headed out into a flat calm ocean today. A bit too flat. We started fishing at slack water so needless to say we didn’t have much of a drift. Started to get some movement around 11:30 a.m. at which time we started to pick away at a bunch of shorts. The people who were bucktailing and working their lines were catching the keepers. Ironically, there were no seabass caught today as we were fishing the rocky bottom, I expected to catch them as I have been. For some reason the seabass did not bite today. Bucktail Bob caught his limit of fluke with other guys with 2 and 3 that were bucktailing. Beautiful day to be out on the water, but the conditions just weren’t that good. Expect nice weather for tomorrow and the weekend so come on down. Tomorrow’s another day. Here are pics from today's trip. Thx., Capt. Glenn