View Full Version : GAMBLER-- Better Fluke Fishing!!

08-17-2016, 09:53 PM
We've had some good trips since our last report. Some nice quality sized fluke coming over the rails including a 9.2 lber caught this morning by Linda Carrier of Hoboken which is also our new monthly pool winner. There has been a much better percent of 4-7lb fluke lately. Mary Ellen and Ron DeMarco of Hopewell, NJ came out earlier this week and had 6 keepers between the 2 of them up to 5lbs. We also had first timer Donna Taylor of Penns Grove, NJ with 2 beautiful keepers, one of them being the pool winner! As long as the drifting conditions are not too fast (or too slow) our 1/2 day fluke trips have been decent. At times, we are also catching some keeper sea bass, small blues and mackerel along with the fluke.

ALL PICTURES CAN BE SEEN ON https://www.facebook.com/TheGamblerDeepSeaFishing/

To recap last weeks night trips… (Thursday nite wreckin, Friday and Saturday night blues 7PM-12:30AM)

We had to deal with some rough seas on our Thursday nite wreckin trip. We caught more keeper sea bass than ling on this trip. The guys who fished for squid did well. Mike Malpass of Brick loves fishing for these and was high hook, around 40 squid up to 8 inches.

Our night bluefish trip Saturday night was a struggle due to rougher than normal seas which made fishing tough.

08-18-2016, 12:06 PM
Chuck and I will see you in the morning Friday

08-24-2016, 08:41 PM
Finally got a Thursday night off so I can go on this trip. Super excited to catch the squid. Do you guys sell the squid jigs on the boat? Or do I need to bring my own.