View Full Version : Prowler5 - Sun., Aug. 14th, 3:30 to 9:30 Wreck Trip

Prowler 5
08-17-2016, 08:22 PM
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. I spoke with Capt. Jimmy Rivelli and he said he had a pretty good wreck trip this past Sun. night. They caught some nice big ling in the 125 to 135 area on the edge of the mudhole. High hook was 10 or 11. There was some nice cod fish boated and pollak. A woman won the pool with a nice keeper cod fish. Capt. Jimmy said John McGivney and Shane were his deckhands for the trip and they had 30 customers. And he said it was a beautiful night out on the ocean. He also said he's looking to getting back out there again this Sun., the 21st with the same crew. Using fresh clams for bait. Thx., Capt. Scott