View Full Version : RB drum ?

Blind Archer
08-09-2016, 11:21 AM
They have dropped in. Does anyone target them exclusively, like in the Delaware.
There has been a tight lipped few(rightfully so) that have the last couple of summers. Anyone willing to share some info ( not spots, I can figure thatout on my own) in a PM. I'm not tallking about incidental catches , as there are always a few each year. I'm talking specific targeting.

08-09-2016, 11:36 AM

Per my recent post, we caught one Saturday which is in the "Surprise Catch" thread. I guess they were headed towards SH / RB. Actually thought they might be headed back south. The one we caught spit up clams, mussels and a lot of shells when we netted her. The area we caught her was all rough bottom with an assortment of rock formations and mussel beds. Since they bottom feed obviously, I'd target any area with mussel bed or hard bottom in that area. I would have to think if you have a boat that areas they use to harvest clams in the Shrewsbury might be worth a look as well if they're not restricted from fishing. I'm sure the clam guys must love it when these guys start showing up every year now, can't be good for business. Between the cow nose rays and drum, that's a lot of competition for the harvest. Would have to think Flynn's Knoll would be a great spot as well if you have access to a boat. That's perfect structure for these fish. Don't know if current, water temperature impact their movements but I'd research that as well and then find a comparable area that suits their preferences. They have large mouths and I'm sure larger appetites so I'd go big on circle hooks (9 - 10/0 if not bigger) and use big baits. Guess clams and crabs would fit the bill. Good luck in your quest, would love to see a report good or bad on how you make out.


08-09-2016, 07:28 PM
I never heard of or seen anyone target them in RB. Last one I saw caught local to Keyport was mine like 12 years ago. Good Luck if you try

08-09-2016, 09:21 PM
When they come up here you can generally sight fish them as they are easily visible swimming just below the surface in great numbers. First reaction to this brownish mass off in the distance usually is, "Wtf is that?" Or, "Hell no, those aren't stripers."

If you can't see them, good luck targeting them.

Blind Archer
08-10-2016, 07:18 PM
All those daytime swimmers gotta drop down to feed at night. If you can get your clam or softy past the doggies and skate you might have a shot.
Hey Jake! I got a new (used) ride. Soon as I sort out the bugs, we gotta hook up. Been a long time since.

08-10-2016, 08:08 PM
Give me a shout when you need some company

08-10-2016, 10:40 PM
Few years back on Papas Angels we got a few of em clam fishing for bass