View Full Version : Virginia trip with the squad

08-01-2016, 01:09 PM
Headed to Seaford. Va last week to fish with Capts Zack & Jon on nsb. Crew was me, my boo bear vin, capt hook & Poppa Vince. Arrived at the hotel hit up hard hat harrys & ate em out of oysters & drank em out of rum runners then the rest of the night is unmentionable until next Monger trip.

Woke up hit the bay & zack & jon saw cobia a short run out at some buoys but they were being very skittish. Finally got hooked up & Directa lost it (shocking). Next up Hook landed our fiorst keeper a 41 incher that went into the box. Vinnie was up next & landed a beautiful 47in pig. Killed that one as well & then Got poppa vince a slob at 50 inches that was released safely as you can only kill 2 a boat. I refused to fish for cobia as I only wanted spadefish. So to appease me we went to spadefish heaven.

We pulled up on a wreck that went from 42ft to 8 ft from surface talk about sitting up high! I landed the first spade a monster 6.5lb these things fight there balls off & on light tackle ya gotta be caeful of letting em back into the structure. We caught over 100 keeping our limit of bigger sized fish as we had a lot of palm sized but they were fun & I never saw a fish steal bait so well. We lost our trip Friday due to weather. Was a great time, great fishing & great company.

bunker dunker
08-01-2016, 01:17 PM
fantastic Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats to you and the crew.and just so theres no skuttle butt,yes I am jealous

08-01-2016, 02:33 PM
Caught spade fish iwhen I visited my friend Rob in SC
We actually used jelly fish as bait which at first I thought they were joking with me As mentioned they are great fighters and bait steelers. They are also delicious to eat as you will soon find out. Congrats on a nice trip

broken bobber
08-01-2016, 02:37 PM
MOD SQUAD on the Spade fish ??? I'm calling Sharpton

Joey Dah Fish
08-01-2016, 04:04 PM
That's a great trip glad you gottem!!!

08-01-2016, 07:44 PM
That is one hell of a trip JM! Congrats.

ALS Mako
08-02-2016, 07:07 AM
Nice report Joe. Glad you guys caught'em up. Cobia are on my bucket list. Too bad you didn't get day 2 in but it looks like you got plenty of good eats there.

shrimpman steve
08-02-2016, 10:02 AM
Very nice mud sharks!

Gerry Zagorski
08-02-2016, 01:19 PM
Way to represent Murr and crew!!