View Full Version : mad gaffer fluke and Sea Bass report Sunday 7/31

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
07-31-2016, 05:32 PM
fluke and Sea Bass report Sunday 7/31 , we had a very nice day today, although the weather was not pristine, it was passable, the rain sort of held off all day, and the sea conditions were not all that bad. We had an extremely nice Charter today , the boat was chartered by Gabby Lapaca and Doug The chimney man , as he is known on NJ fishing and their friends and family, which included Doug's daughter, Abbi lee , and Gabby's daughter , Italia . Abbi Lee is seven years old, and Italia Is eight, both of them are beautiful little girls, they spent the day on the boat in sort of nasty conditions, they did not get sick or complain , and both fished and caught fish. Both girls are as smart as a whip , and funny, and they kept the rest of the charter on its toes. Doug being a master fluke fisherman caught four out of the five keeper fluke that we got ( Abby Lee reeled one of the reeled one of them in, ) everyone else caught short fluke and jumbo Seabass, along with one or two other keeper fluke . The porgies were left alone today. All in all we had a great time, and lucked out with the weather . Our next open trip is tomorrow , pand pretty much through the week ,along with Saturday, we will resume our bottom fishing, for porgies Sea Bass , and fluke . Call for information and reservations

07-31-2016, 05:48 PM
Nice work Doug!!

07-31-2016, 08:42 PM
Nice work Doug!!

Thanks!!! It was a really nice day.

07-31-2016, 08:44 PM
Capt Ray & Billy... You guys were great!! Thanks so much for putting up with me and my crew of googans!! :D
And thanks for being so great with the kids! They had a blast!!