Lard Almighty
07-25-2016, 10:52 PM
I saw there was a brief window between the storms to get some fishing in, so I grabbed my gear and hit up a nearby pond. I found a storm sewer outlet that was flowing pretty strong into the pond. Big swirls everywhere! Got plenty of strikes, wound up landing two plus-sized crappie and a small bass. I missed a big strike that ripped my crankbait off because I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TIE A KNOT! :mad: I also got a shock when a big snapper, probably 15-20 pounds, almost completely breached the water attacking something. After about 30 minutes, the flow died down, and so did the bite. I left when the lightning was getting a little too close for comfort again.
Photo is the larger of the two crappie.
Photo is the larger of the two crappie.