View Full Version : Surf reel opinions please

07-23-2016, 05:21 PM
I walk beaches from Sandy Hook to Monmouth Beach. Do not go on jetties any longer. Shoulders are not in the greatest shape anymore so I am looking light. Sort of focusing on the Shimano Stradic 5000 for both weight and price but I am open to any thoughts. Currently fishing with a Kevin Bogan 10 foot one piece rod.
I would appreciate any thoughts etc. Thanks.

07-23-2016, 07:56 PM
try the diawa ss2600. decent price and a great reel!

NJ Dave
07-23-2016, 08:15 PM
Any old penn 704 is bailed but has a bailess conversion or the 706 which is factory bailess and slightly larger.
Built like a tank, can take a hell of a beating, even a dunking, and completely broken down and serviced in 20 minutes with a basic hand tools.
These reels have been around for 40 + years for a reason and are still being made today for a reason.

Capt. Lou
07-23-2016, 08:18 PM
I agree on Daiwa SS Tournament used them for 20 seasons little issues !

Irish Jigger
07-23-2016, 08:20 PM
Got my Van Staal 150 12 years ago and has never failed since. Worth every penny and as long as it's serviced it will last a lifetime!!!!

08-10-2016, 11:48 PM
Spend the extra and get a Van Staal . U will never look back

Gerry Zagorski
08-11-2016, 10:16 AM
Not sure what your budget is but if it's under $200 I'd be looking into the Shimano Bait Runner D series.

The bait runner feature is nice if you sometimes like to put your rod in a spike and bait fish.

A plus for the surf is they have a sealed drag system are silky smooth compared to the older bait runner but they are on the heavier side.

Another Shimano to look into is the Stradic CI4 plus series they are in the low to mid $200 range. My brother has been fishing one for Fluke this year and loves it so far..... It too has a sealed drag system, is much lighter then the bait runner series but does not have the bait runner feature.

If you are looking for super light I would give it a look but you'd probably want to pair it with a very light rod to balance it correctly. The Bait Runner might be a better balance for your Bogan Rod.

If you are married to your rod, make sure to take it with you and see how the reels you are considering balances with it. Very important if you are going to be casting and carrying it down the beach.

08-12-2016, 06:26 PM
Bite the bullet and go van staal. 150-200. I prefer without bail. I use a 275 for jigging tuna. They're winches that can take a beating