View Full Version : Simrad GO7 XSE

07-21-2016, 09:51 AM
Just had this unit installed and opted for the Total Scan transducer.

Haven't run it through the paces yet, and have to figure out how to shunt the ducer on the Lowrance so I'm not getting interference. It also came preloaded with Insight Genesis mapping. Looks legit.

If you're in the market for a relatively inexpensive touch screen unit, this one is getting a TON of buzz and looks like a nice bang for your buck!

< Sorry for the night time pic, but was excited to see it and stopped by the boat at 5:00am :eek::D>

07-25-2016, 07:32 PM
Would love to hear more about this unit once you have more experience with it. I have been looking at this one. Assuming you will use one unit as chart plotter and the other as your fishfinder would that still cause interference issues? Thanks

07-26-2016, 08:41 PM
Used it last weekend. Had them both going sonar and the Simrad is higher on the transom. I loose the top 2' on the Lowrance, but it still worked too. Can read the bottom at 30mph as well. Not with the structure scan, but standard no problem.

The 7" would absolutely work for most 20' and under boats as a stand alone unit.

OM with anything else you'd like answered.

shrimpman steve
07-29-2016, 09:07 AM
Looks great!!

Capt. Debbie
07-29-2016, 11:34 AM
Curious... why did you pick this unit? The only Simrad gear I've ever used was a Radio Direction Finder.

Why Simrad over Foruno or the others?

Just had this unit installed and opted for the Total Scan transducer.

Haven't run it through the paces yet, and have to figure out how to shunt the ducer on the Lowrance so I'm not getting interference. It also came preloaded with Insight Genesis mapping. Looks legit.

If you're in the market for a relatively inexpensive touch screen unit, this one is getting a TON of buzz and looks like a nice bang for your buck!

< Sorry for the night time pic, but was excited to see it and stopped by the boat at 5:00am :eek::D>

Jay F
08-03-2016, 06:04 PM
Do you Happen to have a pictures on where did you mount the totalscan transducer. Still trying to figure out how to mount the totalscan ducer.


08-05-2016, 06:23 AM
Curious... why did you pick this unit? The only Simrad gear I've ever used was a Radio Direction Finder.

Why Simrad over Furuno or the others?

I did the side by side comparison of features on all units (touch screen, pre-loaded charts, chirp and side scan capability and size allowance) and then divided by costs. Simrad.

Seriously, it's a unit that has a pretty solid buzz for all the features it packs into a compact size. It also has NEMA and radar upgrades ready to go if needed. Pages load up quickly and it's pretty easy to use.

Been a Garmin guy from jump street, but this one caught my eye and fit the space nicely. Check it out at West Marine and run it through some pages.

08-05-2016, 06:27 AM
Do you Happen to have a pictures on where did you mount the totalscan transducer. Still trying to figure out how to mount the totalscan ducer.


The ducer should be placed as close to the center of the boat as possible. The wire should also come out away from the transom and then zip tied along the bracket. You can flip the view on the unit (of so I've read), but I went the traditional method. Dont currently have a pic, but there is a huge thread on these machines on the Hull Truth website under "electronics". Good reading.