View Full Version : Late report...NBRR 7/16

07-18-2016, 02:59 PM
Went out Saturday morning with the wife for about 4 hours on the North Branch. Thought it was going to be my only chance to fish the weekend as I was really thinking Andy was going to make me pull tires Sunday morning. Covered about a mile of river (two miles round trip) and caught a nice little gang of small mouth in that 8 to 12 inch range...seems to be the sweet spot sizing for these guys. I did get rewarded with a nice fat 18 incher from under a tree in about 4 feet of water...little freight train of a fish...just an awesome fight. Again the BPS Stiko's did most of the damage in the deeper pools. Got four on a crawfish pattern square bill crank bait over shallow rocky sections while walking back to the car.. it just throw it out and retrieve it back. Starting to see more crawfish as well as the bait fish now. There seem to be a lot of fish spread out everywhere...probably due to all the bait in the river. Sorry no pics this time.

07-18-2016, 03:08 PM
Sounds like a fun morning buddy! Those rivers are loaded up with all kinds of bait! It's insane!!! :D

07-18-2016, 09:41 PM
sounds like fun,i like going after river smallies.i will be hopefully hitting the rockaway river on wednesday with my neighbor for some smallie action.that river has alot of crayfish as well. with the river so low you can really see them everywhere.i hope for some nice ones like you caught.i have not seen to many fish in the eighteen inch range lately.that's a nice smallie you caught :cool:lets hope i don't run into too many slime darts:rolleyes:

07-19-2016, 01:01 AM
How he pulls them out of the most unlikely spots is amazing, the big ones are SMART !! Karma dude !!! Always glad to see a robust SMB population !